Death in Daytime
open for me, took my hand and said, "It was a pleasure meeting you, Alexis."
    "Thank you," I said, and left. He was handsome and charming, but he was way too smooth to suit me. It was a long walk to the street and when I got there, Julia was waiting, her arms folded across her chest.
    "I couldn't talk in front of my dad," she said.
    "I understand, Julia."
    "I went to see my mother last month," she said. "I told her I wanted to be an actress, and she threw me out.
    "I don't know who killed her," she said. "Maybe you did, but I don't care. I'm not sorry she's dead. She made my dad miserable, and she wouldn't help me with my career. As a mother she really sucked."
    "Where did you go to see her, Julia? At the studio?"
    "I went to her house," Julia said. "My dad doesn't know, and I don't want him to."
    "He won't find out from me."
    She kept her arms folded tight and, except for the bikini, looked like a stubborn little girl.
    "I mean it," she said. "If you did it, I don't care. I'm glad she's dead."
    Before I could say anything else she turned and stormed off toward the house.
    Walking back to my car I couldn't help but think, poor Marcy.

Chapter 21
    As it turned out, I didn't have time for any more interviews. I picked up Sarah, and she needed some mom time. I spent the rest of the day and evening with her--
    loving every minute--before she finally went to bed. I make sure we always have together time when I get home. I don't know if she'd miss it if we didn't, but I certainly would.
    After I had her tucked in and read to, I had some reading of my own to do. I went through all the material Will had e-mailed me. It was very stiff and formal info on Julia and her father, but I had learned more in the short time I'd spoken with them both. I also checked my cell's voice mail. Connie had called twelve times. In the last two days. I braced myself and called her back.
    "Connie, before you start, I have to tell you that now is just not a good time for anything else on my plate, okay? Especially these silly jobs. I've got a job, at least for now, and--"
    "Al! I know you're goin' through so much crap. I get it! But you have to think of your fuckin' career. You have to take advantage of all this fuckin' media attention, sweetie! Now, before you hang up, CSI --the good one--wants you on the show! Whaddya think of that? Is that some awesome shit, or what?"
    Now that got my attention. I liked the show and I liked the subject matter . . . forensics, that is.
    "What's the part? I'd even do a little part on that show. I'm sure it must be kind of juicy, right?"
    "Well, now here's the thing. You'd be a corpse." I could sense Connie was gearing up for some tap dancing.
    "There have to be flashbacks or something before she's a corpse, right?"
    "Not exactly. You'd be in the morgue. It's one shot, but a very important one! They'd put a lot of that white makeup on you to make you look dead. It could be fun! There's a little dialogue. Al, wait--" Again, I hung up.
    Thankfully, I had the next three days off from work, so my plan was to get my surfboard wet in the morning. I was hoping some time on the waves would clear my head and give me a clearer picture of what I had to do. If I wasn't able to see my next move clearly, it might be time to ask Paul for help. I was sure he'd like that a lot. He'd been waiting awhile for me to finally lean on him.
    I went to sleep with that thought in mind and dreamed that when I finally asked Paul for help he refused. "Too late, babe," he said, in my dream. "That ship has sailed."
    * When I woke the next morning I remembered the dream, but knew after a few minutes it would fade. That's the way it is with most dreams. Thankfully. I may have had the day off from work as an actress, but I, thankfully, never had the day off as a mom. I made breakfast for Sarah, ate with her, laughed with her, kissed her and took her to pre-K. With a few hours to myself I went back home and got out my surfboard. Yeah, it had been a

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