risks. We have done all in our power to ensure that the persons to whom we tell our story have absolutely no connection with Na Daoine Deadh Ghinn . Our plan is this:
“On Wednesday evening, as I have indicated, the lesser festivals will be held at these places of worship. The victims to be captured for sacrifice — including myself in all probability — must be allowed to be taken without suspicions being aroused in the minds of members of the cult that anyone is aware of the true reason for the disappearance of their captives. It is almost certain that we shall not be molested until the very morning of the festival, for those who died on Tuesday must have been waylaid late in that very day. The police and voluntary helpers will surround the shrines before the hour appointed for the holding of this festival, and our investigations have proved that while the Midsummer’s Eve Festival is held round about eight o’clock on our summer time — depending on the phase of the moon — the lesser festival is commenced at midnight, or one o’clock on Thursday morning by summer time. The devotees will thus be surprised preparing for their sacrifices.”
The Professor stopped. Then he added slowly: “ And their age - old crimes will not go unpunished. ” The concentrated hatred in his voice chilled Jamesʼs very soul. If the cult were relentless in its activities, here was a member of a society equally relentless and terrible in its fight for right and Christ.
“We recommend this plan,” continued the Professor in a low monotone, “because, while we are aware of the identity of the great majority of the devotees, there are others whom we have not yet unmasked. Here in Blaan, for instance, we know that the great High Priest of the cult has his home; but who he is and where he lives I have failed to discover. He may be moving about among us every day, a respected citizen and friend; or he may remain hidden, a recluse, hating the world and Christianity, and weaving his spells against us … He at any rate must be taken and slain as one would slay an adder. O’Hare and Muldoon, of course, you yourselves know as being connected with the ritual. O’Hare we have heard of before in different parts of the country, though I think this must be his first appearance in Kintyre. He is chief of the hereditary band of executioners … Na Luchd Bais , they are termed in my old books. Muldoon is one of his numerous retinue of assistants. They are mercenaries — paid to carry out the behests of the High Priests … ” He broke off abruptly, obviously labouring under some strong emotion. Then he said:
“By following this plan the risk of arresting only a few of the murders at a time, thus allowing the remainder all over the kingdom to escape from our hands, will be eliminated. You agree, Mr. MacLean?”
Utter silence fell on the room. The whole story as told by Professor Campbell was an amazing, incredible revelation which rendered his guests for a short space of time incapable of comment. It was as if some astronomer had suddenly declared his proof of an invasion of the earth by an army of Martians.
“I do,” replied the Fiscal heavily at last.
Great beads of perspiration stood on his forehead, and his hands trembled. The Chief Constable was pale as a sheet, while Dr. Black’s pugnacious jaw had a weak droop. Inspector McMillan wrung his thick hands aimlessly; but Detective-Inspector McKay was rigid and immovable. James and the Rev. Duncan Nicholson gazed at each other across the glittering table, each as if he were trying to probe the thoughts of the other.
“Will you tell us, Professor, where that place of worship is situated in Blaan?” asked the Fiscal, speaking precisely in an effort to control his voice.
“I discovered it about ten days ago,” answered the old man, “and though I have never actually visited the place, I know it must be the meeting-place of local members of the cult. It has been such for centuries.
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