Death by Scones
eyebrow in my direction. "Riley didn't tell you? I'm back for good."
    Crap. I'd forgotten to mention that, hadn't I?
    Will pursed his lips, then nodded. "I see. No, she didn't mention it. It must not have been important."
    Jared smirked. I sucked in a breath. Mrs. Politano widened her eyes but just for a moment. She had too much class to point out someone's lack thereof.
    "You know, with the death and all," Will quickly added, but not quick enough. His intent was obvious.
    Mrs. Politano looked from Jared to me and then wrapped her hand around her son's bicep. "Well, Riley, you're on a date, and we don't want to intrude. It was great seeing you again. Don't be a stranger."
    "I won't," I said, not wanting them to go. I loved the easiness of hanging out with the Politanos. I'd missed them. I needed to make time to visit them soon.
    "No, she won't, especially since I'm back," Jared said. "I'm sure we'll be spending a lot of time together."
    I shut my eyes and made a mental note to kill Jared next time we were alone. When I opened them, Will was staring at me, and he didn't look pleased. This jealousy was insane. I hadn't brought up the funeral public display of affection like I'd planned. I kinda hoped it would just go away. I really hated confrontations. But I needed to pull up my big-girl panties and get it over with. Eventually.
    We all said good-bye, and each pair turned away from the other.
    Will started talking about the boats on the horizon, abruptly changing the subject and thankfully not bringing up Jared's dig. I barely paid attention. Instead, I glanced back and watched Jared and his mom walk off. Just before I turned back to the water, Jared's head moved.
    He looked back and caught my eye.
    I smiled at him, but he didn't do the same. His look was intense, unlike any I'd ever seen before.
    *   *   *
    On the drive back to Grams', I mulled over how to bring up this jealousy Will had with Jared, but I didn't want to call it that in case Will got defensive or offended. By the time we arrived at my front door, I still hadn't pulled up those panties. Maybe I could wait until another time.
    I pushed my key into the lock and said, "I had a great time."
    "It doesn't have to end now. How about I come in, and we can have coffee. Listen to some music."
    He wanted romance, and I wanted my pillow and blankets.
    "Hope you don't mind saying good-night now. I'm wiped," I said.
    "Of course," he said, but his clenched jaw and pursed lips suggested he was annoyed. He leaned in for a kiss, and instinctively I turned my head, resulting in a peck on my cheek.
    I widened my eyes and made a small gasping sound. I hadn't meant to do that. I was just annoyed with myself for not being braver.
    He shot his head back. His brows furrowed.
    "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…I just…I, uh, I…" What the heck was I saying?
    He folded his arms over his chest. "Is this about Jared?"
    A fire lit within me, and all the smoldering sparked. "As a matter of fact, it is, but not in the way you think. What's going on between you and Jared?"
    He pointed to his throat. "Me? I'm not the one forgetting to mention how your best friend—the one you've barely spoken to in the past year but still hold to such high esteem—has moved back to town."
    I scoffed. "What's the big deal? I simply forgot. Excuse me for not thinking clearly after discovering a dead body."
    His intense gaze wavered.
    "And I wasn't the one trying to make out at the funeral today," I said, noting my slight exaggeration but stubbornly not wanting to take it back.
    "I was kissing you good-bye. Like I just attempted. Since when can't I kiss you in front of your friends?"
    "You never tried before because you don't like public displays of affection. Holding hands is as far as you go. You said that on our second date."
    He opened his mouth and stammered.
    "So why is it that suddenly Jared's around and you feel the need to shove your tongue down my throat?"
    The hurt look in his eyes made me

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