Death at the Door

Death at the Door by K. C. Greenlief

Book: Death at the Door by K. C. Greenlief Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. C. Greenlief
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fresh-squeezed orange juice for breakfast.
    â€œScrew Joel. Is there anything new on the death of the architect?”
    â€œJoel went through his office and his home in Chicago yesterday. He found some unsigned hate mail about his zoning board decisions at his house. Four letters appear to be in the same handwriting. They don’t threaten Paul’s life but they make it pretty clear that bad things might happen to him if he doesn’t change his stance on development in Door County. He’s having the letters compared to the ones in the Door County Ledger files. He’s also having them checked for prints.
    â€œPaul was very close to Daisy DuBois. She’s the sister of Rose Gradoute, who owns the house that John is remodeling. There were several pictures of him with Daisy in his house as well as some more women’s clothing. Daisy lives in Chicago but also has a house up here. Joel just missed her in Chicago; she drove up here yesterday. He’s going to interview her as soon as he gets back today. He stayed at home in Wausau last night.
    â€œI never eat like this at home,” Lacey said when their food was delivered. “I’m going to have to dance my ass off tonight.” That didn’t stop her from cleaning her plate.
    They were the last car on the 9 A.M . ferry. Joel was waiting for them when they pulled into the dock in Northport.
    â€œThe good news is there were no more robberies discovered last night. The bad news is we’re starting to get a lot of pressure from a couple of the families to get these solved. Can you two take today and go over the twenty-five cases and figure out all the commonalities? I can bring extra help up from Wausau if you can point them in the right direction. The Edgewater Resort has a meeting room you can use. I gave Ann your list of what’s been stolen and she’s putting information on each kind of glass together for you. John collects coins and he’s going to do some research with the local numismatic society. He’s also going to take me to interview Rose Gradoute.”

Wednesday Morning
    May 30—Edgewater Resort, Ephraim, Wisconsin
    After Joel got Lark and Lacey settled into the Edgewater conference room, he and John and Ann drove to Gradoute house. John told Joel what he knew about the Gradoute family as they drove north. A few minutes out of the Ephraim they turned left onto a gravel road that paralleled Eagle Harbor. Small cottages and houses were tucked into the trees on both sides of the road. Tall evergreens and hardwoods framed breathtaking views of the harbor. The road twisted away from the beach and through a tunnel of maple, oak, and ash trees that arched together over the road allowing only glimpses of the lake and dapples of sunlight to break through. The road became one lane of gravel that again paralleled the beach. East of the road stood a six-stall stone garage with a white clapboard second story on top of it. Ivy and roses climbed up the sides as if they had been there for decades.
    â€œThat’s Paul Larsen’s gatehouse,” Joel said.
    John nodded. “That’s the gatehouse the Gradoutes want to buy.”
    â€œWhat I wouldn’t give to have those roses at our house.” Ann craned her neck to look back at them.
    Just beyond the gatehouse they drove between two stone pillars, each posted with a sign that read Private Drive, No Exit. An emerald green lawn studded with huge trees, flowerbeds, and benches stretched to the west down to beach grass and the lake. The grounds to the east of the road resembled a woodland park setting.
    â€œRose Gradoute was Rose DuBois before she married Simon. Simon was born in Canada and owned restaurants in Quebec and Detroit before he decided to settle here in Door County. He currently owns the very chichi Rosemary’s Bistro in Ephraim and the Hill Top Café that serves breakfast and lunch in Sister Bay.” John paused as he slowed down to let a

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