Dealers of Light

Dealers of Light by Lara Nance Page B

Book: Dealers of Light by Lara Nance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lara Nance
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couldn’t take yours.”
    Cara didn’t know what to say. She rubbed her temples with her fingertips. “Yes, it is very strange. But I have to go. I need to be at work in the morning at eight, and I’m exhausted.” She turned around, looking for her pocketbook. “Oh no, and my car.”
    “Don’t worry about your car. I drove it when I brought you here.” Rolf walked up to within a foot of her and she stepped back from his domineering height. He searched her eyes. “Your purse is still in it.”
    “Thanks, that’s really swell of you. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t shown up when you did. Just like the cavalry. Can you talk to my friends? Maybe we can help you. Or you can help us or—something—” Her head spun. Maybe I am in shock .
    Rolf grasped her shoulders to steady her. “Cara, you can’t go home tonight.”
    Just like that. No: “I don’t think you should” or “Maybe you shouldn’t.” Flat out: “You can’t go home.”
    “I have to go home. I’m fine. Excellent. Super, in fact. I have Dusty to take care of, and—and…” God, if she could just sit down and think maybe she would make sense.
    “If you go home, you will likely not live to see t he morning.”

    Chapter Eleven
    Cara stared at Rolf, unable to speak past the sudden constriction in her throat. Her vision blurred and cleared several times. The room closed in around her as her knees shook. If only her head would stop pounding so she could think.
    Placing a hand under her elbow, he led her to the chaise—lucky, because her knees gave out about then. She plopped onto the soft cushion with a small “ Oof .” He sat beside her, still holding her elbow, concern wrinkling his brow.
    “ Wh—what do you mean I won’t live to see the morning?”
    “The Takers know you saw one of them. They will discover who you are and eliminate you.”
    “Why would they be so determined to find me? I can’t stop them by myself and no one would believe my story if I went to the police.”
    “Whatever it is they hope to accomplish in this area will only be possible if people are unaware of their methods. If anyone threatens that, they will be eliminated. Period. Trust me. I’ve seen it happen time and time again.” He rose, strode to the door and leaned out. “Sean, can you come here?”
    A muscular young man in black pants and white shirt entered. “Yes, sir?”
    “I need some food for our canine friend here. Can you find bowls for water and food and bring them in? We’re having overnight guests.” Rolf motioned to her and Dusty.
    Sean nodded. “Will you be eating in the dining room this evening, Sir?”
    “No, set up a table by the fire , and bring some aspirin for Cara.” He strolled back to her after Sean left. “You’ll stay here tonight. I can protect you.”
    “W hat about tomorrow? I have to go to work. People depend on me. I save lives.” She stood, finding the strength had returned to her limbs after the initial shock of his words retreated. “In a couple days can I go back home?”
    He moved up close to her so fast she gasped. “Do you think I’m joking about this?” He spoke in a low voice but it resonated with power, and his gaze bore into hers like icy steel. “I’m deadly serious, and you need to be, too. Otherwise, your life will be over all too soon.”
    His fingers clamped around her upper arm, the fingertips biting into her skin hard enough to send a flash of fear through her, but she was determined not to let him see it. Her breath came in short bursts. Dusty let out a short bark. She met Rolf’s glare and a flush of anger surged through her. She punched him in the chest with her free hand. “Let go.”
    He released his grip and let out a harsh breath. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to hurt you. But , you must understand, I’ve been fighting them for centuries, and I know what they’re capable of.”
    She rubbed her arm where the red marks from his fingers bloomed.

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