Dealers of Light

Dealers of Light by Lara Nance Page A

Book: Dealers of Light by Lara Nance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lara Nance
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    “Why?” She studied him.
    “I’m intrigued , as I said. It’s rare for people to realize the extent of this talent. It’s a pleasure to find like souls.”
    “But , from what you’ve said, you seem to be different.”
    “True, I am different. I’ ve existed for thousands of years. There are other ancient ones like me scattered about. But I’ve made it my business through the centuries to act as guardian of this gift. Others don’t care so much if our kind causes harm or not. They focus on amassing great wealth and power.”
    Thousands of years! She shuddered. He was ancient and yet they were both Dealers. What were the differences between them?
    “Are you cold?” He rose and went to a gilded sofa against the wall to gather an elaborately embroidered throw. He returned to her side and draped it about her shoulders. “It’s likely you’re in shock.”
    His hand brushed her cheek and a rush of electric warmth coursed through her at the touch. She looked at him and he gazed back at her with brows drawn together. He held her gaze for a few seconds then broke contact. He pivoted to stride over to a side table set with several crystal decanters and goblets. He splashed a ruby liquid in one glass then handed it to her, his features back to neutral.
    She sniffed and the musty aroma of a burgundy filled her senses.
    “It’s wine .” He poured a glass for himself before returning to his seat.
    “I’m not in shock .” She swallowed the wine and savored the smooth, rich flavor.
    “I’m a nurse practitioner. I know what shock is. What I have is a bad headache from slamming my head against the wall.” She pressed a hand against the back of her skull, grimacing. “And a big case of disbelief in everything that’s going on. How have you have been alive for thousands of years? That’s impossible.”
    He swirled his wine, and took a drink. “Then you may also find it hard to believe I don’t really know.”
    She expected more, but he didn’t speak. “You don’t know? Seriously?”
    “No , I do not know. I simply continue to live and not die. Over the years, I’ve seen the Takers try again and again to gain power and take over small areas. I made it my mission to defeat them.”
    “But you had to come from somewhere.”
    “I hardly remember so long ago. But my earliest memories are of the area you now call Egypt.”
    “ Egypt? Really. I hear blue eyes are very common there.”
    One side of his mouth quirked up. “A gift from the gods. I told you I’m different.”
    This was impossible to fathom with her head misty from pain. She needed to get away from here and try to make sense of what he ’d told her. She glanced at her watch. Eleven o’clock. So late, and she worked tomorrow. Hopefully, her head would not be hurting this bad in the morning. She’d have to wear a scarf, her neck was sure to be bruised. She stood. “Well, thanks a bunch for saving my life. The guy wasn’t able to take any Light from me, but he probably could have beaten and killed me the old-fashioned way. So…thanks again.”
    He set his glass on the table beside him with a clink and some of the ruby liquid splashed over the rim. “What did you say? He was not able to take any Light?”
    “Yes, h e tried. It was kind of funny.” She chuckled, but pain seared through her head so she stopped. “You should have seen the look on his face when it didn’t work and your fist came out of nowhere. Pow!” A tingle of satisfaction accompanied that memory.
    Rolf put a hand over his mouth. After a couple seconds, he dropped it and stood to pace across the rug in front of the fireplace.
    “What’s wrong?” Her knees trembled.
    “ Your description, while vastly entertaining, is also intriguing.”
    “Wh y?”
    “He should have been able to take your Light the same as anyone else.”
    “Even though I’m a Dealer?”
    “Takers develop powerful methods for taking the Light, even from Dealers. It is strange he

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