Deadly Aim
The anchor’s comments brought Angel’s attention back to the news. “Donna Middlewood is on the scene in Sunset Bay with Officer Eric Mason.”
    “Eric?” Angel frowned. “What’s going on?”
    The anchor continued. “Donna, I understand you are just outside Officer Delaney’s apartment, is that right?”
    “That’s right, Kelley. Eric is with the Sunset Cove Police Department and is, in fact, Officer Angel Delaney’s partner. Eric, I understand you and your partner responded to the robbery. Can you tell us what happened?” She tipped the mike toward Eric.
    “I don’t believe this.” Angel went down the hallway to her door and peered through the window blinds to the parking lot below. Eric was leaning against his car, arms folded, still in uniform. She frowned as anger flared up inside her. “What are you doing in front of my place talking to a reporter?” She’d thought all the reporters had left.
    It didn’t take long to come up with an answer. They must’ve found out Eric was her partner and followed him. Angel went back to the living room and watched the live interview.
    “I don’t know what I can tell you. You guys usually seem to know more than we do,” Eric said.
    “What happened that led up to the shooting?”
    “Look, I’m not the person you want to talk to about the investigation.” He offered the reporter one of his devastating smiles, and Angel could almost see her swoon.
    “Were you with Officer Delaney when she shot the boy?”
    His smile faded to a frown. “I think I know where you’re headed here. And I’m not buying into it. The kid had a gun. He was a threat.”
    “We understand it was a toy gun.”
    Eric ran a hand through his thick hair and glanced around as if looking for someone to rescue him. “It doesn’t matter if it was a toy or not. When officers perceive a threat, they react. She had to stop him.”
    “But he was a child.”
    “He was involved in a robbery. Hey, I’d have done the same thing. That’s all I have to say.”
    “What about the other shooting? Can you give us any information on the victim or what may have happened?”
    He took a step back. “Sorry. I have nothing more to say.”
    The reporter thanked him. “Back to you, Kelley.”
    “Thanks, Donna.” The anchor turned back to her notes. “The owner of the pharmacy, Gerald Bergman, is listed in critical condition after being shot in the chest and stomach. And as we’ve heard, the tragic events didn’t end there. One of the officers shot and killed a young boy. His family is asking why.”
    Because he aimed a gun at me .
    The doorbell rang. Probably Eric. Angel debated whether or not to let him in. She had mixed feelings about him talking to the reporter. It seemed disloyal in a way. She had to admit, though, that he’d done a better job with the media than she had. Finally, she relented and opened the door.
    Eric leaned against the door frame. “I was in the neighborhood and saw your lights on. Thought I’d stop and see if you needed anything.”
    “Come on in.” She closed the door and went back to the sofa. “They’re talking to Billy’s family.”
    Eric settled on the couch and watched it with her. “Are you sure you want to see this?”
    She shushed him.
    It was another reporter, a man; Angel missed his name and didn’t recognize him as one of the regulars. “We spoke with theboy’s family minutes ago, and they’ve been kind enough to talk with us.”
    Eric folded his arms across his chest. “Humph, these reporters just don’t know when to quit.”
    “Quiet. I want to hear this.” Angel clicked up the volume.
    “Mrs. Hartwell,” the reporter began, “we’ve been told that your son was a gang member. It that true?”
    “No.” His mother shook her head, burying her face in her hands. “Billy was a good boy.”
    “How do you explain the fact that he was in the store at the time of the robbery—the robbery, I might add, that has seriously injured the owner, Mr.

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