Dead Sure?: A Paranormal Mystery

Dead Sure?: A Paranormal Mystery by Eric Webster

Book: Dead Sure?: A Paranormal Mystery by Eric Webster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eric Webster
you two up any longer. I know Jack has places to be and so do I,” he said casting a serious look in Jack’s direction. “Rene, it was a pleasure to meet you. Somehow I’m sure our paths will cross again.” And with that, the enormous engine of the Duesenberg roared to life as Steve sped off, leaving the smell of raw gasoline hanging in the air.
    “Well, he sure seemed to be in a hurry. I don’t think I got to utter a single word during the conversation,” Rene said, feeling a little put off.
    “That’s Steve for you.  He has a overwhelming personality.”
    “You could say that again, but don’t,” she replied playfully. “That’s quite a unique-looking car he has. You’re a car nut, what kind of car is it?”
    “I’m not positive, but I believe it’s a 1929 Duesenberg. The thing is worth a small fortune... not that he can’t afford it. I saw a picture of it in his office the other day.”
    “I have seen it around before too. It has been in the parking garage at my workplace several times. I remember because nothing looks quite like it.”
    “Yeah, that car inspired that old saying: “it’s a Doozie.” 
    “Let’s change directions and start walking that way.” Rene pointed to their left and down a smaller street. “I just realized how close we have walked to the office building I work at, and honestly I am milking another day out of this injury thing. I called in sick today, but I could have gone to work. Aside from getting hit, this has been a nice couple of days off.”
    The pair started walking again, slowly now, in the direction Rene had pointed.
    A serious look came back over Rene’s face. “So as I was saying before we were interrupted, that was some story you told Jack Weston. I have always believed in things that are not mainstream or can’t be explained, and this is definitely one of the most interesting experiences I have heard. Can you tell me more about what happened once you and Sam began to run?”
    Jack thought for a moment, “Well, I could, but as Steve said, I have places to be. So I’ll tell you the rest of the story over dinner tonight. What time should I pick you up?” Oh that was smooth man, very smooth. He thought to himself.
    “That would be great, except that I already have plans for this evening. Let’s make it Saturday night,” she said with a slight hesitation. This dating two guys thing could be fun or maybe just a pain.
    Jack was dying to know what her plans were. Was it a girl’s night out or was she seeing another guy? But he didn’t dare ask. It was way too early in the relationship. What did he care anyway, it wasn’t like he didn’t see multiple ladies at the same time. Yet there was something special about Rene, something that did leave him feeling some pangs of jealousy.
    “All right, Saturday night it is. I sure hope I can still remember the rest of the story by then,” he said teasingly.
    *    *    *
    Rene was in her apartment getting ready for her date with Sam when the phone rang. She was in the second bedroom trying to find just the right clothes. She turned and walked over to pick it up. The telephone was sitting on a beautiful old desk made of solid cherry. Sure, the desk had some nicks in it, but Rene thought that gave it all the more character. It looked like a dresser with three long drawers running across its width. At the top it had a cover that slanted in. Opening that cover created the desk top and revealed several tiny drawers, and cubby holes for all sorts of small office supplies. The desk had been handed down through her family for generations. Each of the previous owners, including her, had signed the bottom of the desk and dated it.
    She picked up the phone and answered it with a chirpy, “Hello.” There was no response, only silence. “Hello, is anybody there?” Still there was no answer. Hanging up without a second thought, she went back to the business at hand.
    Again the phone rang. This time there better

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