Dead by Dawn
prick left his phone behind when he went to the bar and his mistress had left a voicemail.
    Leeann was lucky enough to grab his phone and intercept that voicemail. A few minutes later the yard was intercepting all of his belongings as she tried to throw them into the road screaming profanities.
    In a little under an hour she threw almost everything that belonged to him in the yard. Anything of value she smashed. His golf clubs and big screen for example.
    Now she was in her 2008 Chevy Impala heading to her sister’s.
    There weren't any other cars around when she pulled up to the light. It made her feel a little better about bawling where no one could see her.
    There was however, a peculiar looking teenager walking down the sidewalk a little ways up the road.
    Leeann sniffed back her tears and tried to regain her composure before the boy could get close enough to see.
    When the light turned green she began to go. The boy jumped into the street, forcing her to hit the brakes.
    “What the hell is wrong with you?” she screamed. “You have a death wish or something?”
    The boy jumped on the hood of her car and with one punch, put a huge crack in her windshield.
    He punched again. The repeated strikes sent spider web cracks across the windshield.
    Leeann fumbled with her cell phone, dropping it once before successfully dialing the cops.
    “I’m calling the police,” she yelled at the teenager.
    The line was busy, so she hit redial. Nothing.
    Meanwhile the boy punched a hole in the window and was using his claw like fingers to pry it apart.
    Leeann hit the gas and the car took off. She swerved, screaming her head off and unable to see through the destroyed windshield. She made it forty feet before slamming into a light post. The airbag exploded in her face and the boy flew off the hood.
    The engine died, leaving her to listen to it sizzle as she laid her head against the airbag. She could feel a burn mark on her cheek and winced.
    The boy came back, jumping on her hood and ripping open the rest of her windshield.
    He was inside and on top of her before she could even get her seatbelt off.
    Goshen, NY - July 9th
                  Two hundred and thirty-six people were dancing to the same rhythm. They wore dress clothes and fancy skirts. They were all lost in a whirlwind of booze, bodies, flashing lights and sound. Most were young, barely old enough to drink, while others were not even legal.
    They were having the time of their lives. Not one of them knowing how short those lives would be.
    Somebody accidentally allowed a vampire to slip in through the back door. It was the club’s manager, who’d been hypnotized while he took out the trash.
    He was dead now, and so was everyone who was in the second men’s bathroom way in the back of the place.
    Were it a less stimulating environment they would have seen the vampire as he walked amongst them. It was wearing a suit and tie, the same one that was put on him the day of his funeral. Its face was covered in blood; the manager’s and the three men from the bathroom.
    It was heading for the DJ. He stood on a pedestal, higher than everyone on the dance floor. Everyone would be able to see when he went down.
    People began to shout near the back. Someone found the bodies.
    No one on the dance floor could hear the screams because the music was too loud.
    The vampire pounced, pinning the DJ against his turntables and biting into his jugular.
    A troop of girls dancing with each other got sprayed with a stream of blood. When they realized what the warm substance was, they began to scream.
    The vampire lifted its blood soaked mouth from the DJ’s neck and let out a bellowing screech.
    Pandemonium broke out as everyone tried to run. Guys that were trying to get a girl’s favor only seconds before were now shoving them out of the way to get to the door. A few people were knocked down and trampled.
    The vampire left the DJ and jumped down, on top of a girl who

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