Dead and Breakfast

Dead and Breakfast by Kimberly G. Giarratano

Book: Dead and Breakfast by Kimberly G. Giarratano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly G. Giarratano
to school. Autumn sighed. “Not really.”
    Aunt Glenda joined her on the bed and smoothed out a wrinkle in the burgundy bedspread. “It’s because you’re different. I know your mom thinks ghosts are just make-believe, but she hasn’t had to deal with the spirit world her whole life.” She gently bumped Autumn’s shoulder. “You’ll adjust.”
    “Liam thinks I’m crazy.” To Autumn’s surprise, her voice shook.
    “You like William, don’t you?” Aunt Glenda sounded soft and maternal and nothing like Evelyn.
    Autumn picked at a loose thread on the comforter. “I don’t really get him. He insists he doesn’t believe in ghosts, but he’s been attacked twice already.”
    Glenda circled her arm around her shoulder. “I’d say that Liam and his grandfather have some trust issues. Leo loved Mariana with a fierce passion, but their marriage was riddled with problems. And Liam’s mother abandoned him when he was a toddler. The Breyer men have been hurt plenty for one lifetime. Try to be kind to Liam—he could probably use a friend as much as you.”
    Autumn stood and leaned against the tall, mahogany post. “I am being kind to him. I keep warning him about Inez, but he won’t listen.”
    Glenda’s eyes grew round. “Who?”
    “Inez Cruces. She’s the one who is trying to kill Liam.”
    Glenda leaped up and grabbed Autumn’s shoulders. “How do you know that’s her name? Did she tell you?”
    “Not really,” Autumn said slowly. “I mean, she did, but not at first. I sort of channeled her.”
    Glenda gasped. “Do you know how dangerous that is?”
    Autumn broke away from her aunt’s hold. “I do now. Timothy gave me an ear-full. Anyway, have you ever heard of her? Inez? I think she died in 1966.”
    Glenda bristled. “She was Mariana’s sister.”
    “I know,” said Autumn, anxious for new details.
    “Well, you should also know that she wasn’t a nice person. Not just in death, but in life. She nearly separated Liam’s grandparents,” Glenda whispered and her gaze flitted around the room. Did her aunt fear Inez? “I can’t believe she haunts this place. That can only mean—”
    “She died here,” Autumn finished. “You didn’t know?”
    Glenda paled. “She’d gone missing the night of the spring dance. She had a fight with her sister over Leo and stormed out of the gymnasium at St. Veronica’s. No one saw her again.”
    “When was that?”
    Her aunt clasped her hand. “Promise me you won’t take this further. Ignore her, and she’ll go away.”
    “I don’t think she will,” Autumn growled, tightening her grip on her aunt’s hand.
    “You’re hurting me, dear,” Aunt Glenda squeaked.
    Autumn snatched back her hand. “I’m so sorry.” A darkness rolled over her, reminding Autumn of storm clouds over the Atlantic. Timothy was right—Inez had taken residency inside her body.
    Autumn’s head swam with questions, but before she could interrogate her aunt further, Evelyn appeared at the door, looking put out.
    “There you are, Autumn. Cora needs help preparing dinner. Also, sometime tomorrow, I’d like you to tidy up the April room. We have a new guest checking in on Friday.” Evelyn’s voice sounded light. Interesting how only talk of new business could make Evelyn happy.
    Glenda pressed her hands into Autumn’s back and steered her toward the hallway. “She’ll be right there.” Then Aunt Glenda closed her door on both Autumn and her mother.
    Evelyn put her hands on her hips. “Well, that was rude. I wonder what’s the matter with Glenda.”
    Autumn glanced at her aunt’s now-closed door. Mr. Blazevig, Aunt Glenda, and, most likely, Leo Breyer were all keeping secrets. But was it because they feared Inez or were afraid of what Autumn would discover about Inez’s murder? Either way, Inez’s spirit wasn’t leaving anytime soon.

    On Thursday afternoon, Autumn held a photo in front of Liam’s face.
    He glanced at her. “What’s

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