Dating A Silver Fox (Never Too Late)

Dating A Silver Fox (Never Too Late) by Donna McDonald

Book: Dating A Silver Fox (Never Too Late) by Donna McDonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna McDonald
Tags: General Fiction
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“Most people spend a lot of energy looking for outlets.”
    “I never missed any of that enough to care about finding it after my husband died,” Lydia said finally. “If it wasn’t for this man in my life being so physical, always touching and so forth, then I’m sure I still wouldn’t care.”
    “Despite how civilized we are in most areas of our lives, we remain fairly repressed as a society when it comes to seeking help for our sex lives. It’s up to the individual to invest the time to find out what they need,” Regina explained. “You’ve taken two important steps. The first was letting the man into your life. The second was coming here and seeking help to fix things to make it possible. Both are good steps, Lydia.”
    “But I don’t even really know why I’m here. Honestly, I never needed sex. It hasn’t been important to me,” Lydia said. “I liked the kissing, and being held, but I didn’t like—well, the rest. Years ago I stopped kissing and letting men hold me because they all expected the same thing.”
    “Did your husband please you in bed during your marriage?” Regina asked, then rethought the question when she saw Lydia schooling herself for a politically correct answer. “Let me clarify. Did you ever have an orgasmic experience leading to climax with him? And before you answer, if you aren’t sure, then you have to say no. Because I assure you when it happens, you absolutely always know.”
    Lydia laughed tightly, the sound barely leaving her. “I had trouble relaxing, and he was an impatient man. We didn’t get very far. When the deed was done, he went to sleep. After Lauren was born, well William never bothered me much, maybe a few times a year. By then, he had several other women on the side. We settled into a relationship that didn’t require sex,” Lydia said. “Or at least I didn’t require sex. I’m sure he got all he wanted.”
    It didn’t take much filtering for Regina to determine the answer was not only no to her original question, but a never-came-close-at-all kind of no.
    “I’m guessing you haven’t given yourself one either?” Regina asked, making a few notes and pretending not to see the shock on Lydia’s face.
    “No,” Lydia said firmly. Was she supposed to have done so? It boggled her mind to consider it.
    “How about with any man before your husband? Old boyfriend maybe?” Regina asked with a grin.
    Lydia let out a sigh. She only remembered ever being attracted to one guy in high school. Then she’d been married before she’d had a chance to feel that again. “No. My husband was the first to touch me. I was a virgin. It was expected back then. I don’t know if I even work like other women. Maybe I’m just defective.”
    “Oh, I doubt that. I would say your interest in the current guy is proof that isn’t true. In my practice, I have seen every kind of relationship you could ever imagine. Rarely have I seen one where there is no sex at all. It just doesn’t work with our biology or our social tendencies. We are creatures that need others. Do you find yourself attracted to women sometimes?” Regina asked.
    Lydia laughed and choked on her tea. “No. No—I’ve never had those thoughts. I haven’t been attracted to anyone until—him.”
    Her speech and thoughts drifted to Morrison’s half-lidded gaze on her as she ate pasta, and then to the embrace in his foyer. She had felt small and helpless in his tight hold, and yet hadn’t minded it at all. He provoked unusual feelings in her. The memories made her sigh.
    “I suppose I am interested. Or at least, he churns me up,” Lydia said. “He makes me want to be hugged and held. I haven’t even had those benign thoughts about a man in years. I just wish. . .well, I guess it doesn’t matter what I wish. I can’t change who I am.”
    “What’s wrong with who you are?” Regina demanded, making a note about the flush on her new client’s face every time the current guy popped into the

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