Dating a Metro Man
through his.
    “And that will cost you a damn month,” Ben declared softly, grinning at her outright belly laugh. He was still so much in love, he was stupid with it, Ben thought.
    “Sorry,” Regina said, finally noticing the whole group was watching and listening to Ben and her. “It’s the whole wedding sex thing. It’s easy to get caught up in the vibes coming off the bride and groom, especially these two.”
    The sigh Jenna released was so loud, it had everyone looking at her. Her face flushed at the same time as her breasts buzzed.
    Lauren looked down from her six foot height in heels at the cleavage of her much shorter maid of honor with fascination. “Jenna, honey, that’s not where a portable vibrator goes. There are much better places.”
    “ Lauren! ” Jim protested in a pained voice, even as he had to laugh. Not that he missed the overly polite woman Lauren once was, but Jim still hadn’t gotten used to hearing her true thoughts every time she opened her mouth.
    Alexa, Regina, and Ben laughed too.
    Jenna snorted and then laughed, a mannerism so like her mother’s that even she couldn’t deny it. “Sorry to disappoint, but it’s just my cell phone, Lauren. I have a new client who’s going to make me rich and famous. I didn’t want to miss any calls from work. Sorry. I thought I was being discreet hiding it in my dress.”
    Turning her back to the group, Jenna fished the phone out of her bust and hit the button to unlock the screen.
    She had to read the message twice to figure it out, and then again to believe what he’d sent.
    Wedding sex: a condition where a man wants to F the MOH really HARD until she screams with pleasure. Sound about right?
    Jenna made a sound of alarm, and her breathing became erratic as her mind conjured up images of other times she and Seth had—oh God, she thought. This is insane. How did he do this to her?
    Her gaze raked the room, but she couldn’t find him in the crowd. If she were as tall as her mother, she could have seen over all the people mulling around.
    “Jenna? Everything all right?” Alexa asked, concerned at the strangled sound her daughter had made over the message she’d received, and the way Jenna’s body was now tensing up.
    Jenna turned back to the group and held the phone against her chest, keeping the message private. “It’s fine, Mama. Everything’s fine. Just—just something I wasn’t expecting has come up.”
    Shit. Now I’m lying to people who know me too well , Jenna thought, feeling the blush creeping higher . Besides—she knew exactly what had come up. It was just that she didn’t know the exact location of the man who owned it.
    The phone buzzed against her chest again. They all just looked at her when she didn’t immediately acknowledge it and check the message. Jenna realized if she didn’t do it, they would all start to suspect something other than a business call was going on.
    Then the grilling would begin.
    “Honey, your MOH duties to me are over. You can take all the calls and messages you need to now. Go ahead,” Lauren encouraged, waving her hand that now had a half-eaten roll in it. “You provided food. I’m going to be occupied with this and talking to guests for quite a while.”
    Jenna pulled the phone away and hit the button to read the message.
    Too HARD to wait. Need you NOW!
    She groaned and hit reply before anyone could sneak a look at the screen.
    Not now. LATER!
    Almost a full minute passed before the phone buzzed again. This time Seth told her exactly what he needed to do and how he planned to do it when he got his hands on her. Jenna started to sweat thinking about how it would be, and didn’t even want to think about all the things happening under her dress. Walking was now going to be a challenge in her highly aroused state.
    She typed furiously and hit send.
    Fine. WHERE?
    The phone buzzed back and she had to read the message twice to take it in. All she could think about was getting to him.
    Meet me

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