Darkness & Lies: A Brotherhood Novel (#1)

Darkness & Lies: A Brotherhood Novel (#1) by Brandi Salazar Page A

Book: Darkness & Lies: A Brotherhood Novel (#1) by Brandi Salazar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandi Salazar
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slide this time since I know how testy old men like yourself tend to get , but co n sider yourself warned— don’t ever use that tone with me again.” Rising to his full height, Behr kicked the chair out behind him and flashed from the room back to the mou n tain.
    The oppressive darkness of the hall was nothing compared to the inky void dwelling inside of him. What E had called him had really struck a nerve and had him grin d ing his teeth to the point of pain in order to avoid the memory that one careless comment had triggered.
    He thought he had buried the past in the past, but he could never hide from it for long. There was always som e thing, a misspoken word, a funny look cast his way that always managed to bring the shame of what he was and wished he’d never been, back to the forefront of his mind.
    With his mind, Behr willed light into the dark, ca v ernous hall and tried to ignore the hulking reflection of him as he made his way back to The Gate.
    He absolutely hated looking in a mirr or. It held too many memories. It reminded him too much of a time best left forgotten, but he also hated the dark, and so he would deal.
    Pulling his phone from the inside pocket of his leather duster, Behr dialed the one person that always seemed to ease his mind.
    “Hey , baby.” An instant grin split across his face when Sasha answered. “What are you wearing?”
    Unable to stand it any longer, Erias flashed himself into the bathroom, consequences be damned. He had to find out why the woman refused to come out , and if he had to scare the shit out of her to get some answers , then so be it.
    He wasn’t prepared for what he found.
    And it left him with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
    He thought back to the electric jolt he’d delivered “Oh shit,” he breathed. How much juice had he put in that thing?
    He wasn’t used to fighting women. Well, not this kind anyway. Usually, they were more ro bust. Generally reaching his height or larger, they had as much muscle as he did and made The Hulk look like a fairy princess.
    Kneeling down in front of her, Erias checked her pulse before scooping her into his arms and flashing them back into the bedroom. Placing her on the bed, he pulled the blankets over her and sent a mental call out for the only person he knew that might be able to help him.
    Erias was standing at the head of the bed quietly watching over the woman when Alastair appeared with a blinding flash at the foot of the bed. The peeved expression he wore told Erias just what bad timing he had, but then, he’d always had a knack for interrupting.
    “Sorry, but I didn’t know who else to call,” he apo l ogized.
    Alast air, a member of the Golden Sun –a group of ancient warriors bou nd to the service of Persephone– had been a healer in his time and, under his contract, had po w ers that made Erias’s look like a child’s magic show.
    Standing at an even seven foot tall, he wore a Grat e ful Dead t-shirt and black jeans tucked into a pair of heavy black boots that rose halfway up to his shins and covered in thick silver buckles. His purple hair fell to his shoulders, and he wore a long black trench coat which shielded the leather vambraces, armored belt, and several daggers from public view.
    On his best day, Alastair was a surly son-of-a-bitch and was a s deadly as they came. On his worst, well, Erias felt sorry for the dumb fuck stupid enough to cross his path.
    Even now, a fierce air of power emanated from ev e ry inch of him like a tangible force making it clear that he was the type to kill first and ask questions later, making someone as cold and brutal as Erias hold his tongue around him.
    “Tell me what happened,” he commanded, leaning over the unconscious woman and skimming his hands over her body.
    Erias would think he was trying to cop a feel if he hadn’t witnessed Alastair’s unique healing ability for hi m self.
    “Do you want the full story or the

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