Darkness Before Dawn

Darkness Before Dawn by J. A. London

Book: Darkness Before Dawn by J. A. London Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. A. London
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them, hoping they don’t lead to dead ends.
    I’m running full blast now when I slam into a wall. At least, it felt that way. I land on my butt and look up to see Hoodie right in front of me.
    I hit him with all my weight and he didn’t budge. He moved so fast I can’t outrun him. He’s completely silent. I know exactly what he is.
    A vampire.
    Too many shadows cover his face for me to get a good look at him or see the fangs, but I know they’re there. I quickly yank my stake from my boot and scramble to my feet. I balance myself on the balls of my feet for quick movements and grip my stake.
    “If you want my blood, you’re going to have to fight for it,” I tell him.
    He tilts his head, as if confused or even disappointed. Then he turns around and begins to walk away. The back of his hoodie has a design on it, or it did at one point. It’s eaten away now, faded nearly to the point of oblivion. I can’t tell what the original image was, but the remains look like a giant snake.
    Funny how you notice those things even when your heart is pounding a million beats a minute.
    I don’t dare follow him. With the right combination of speed and stealth, I might be able to land a fatal blow in his back. But what’s the point? One false move and I’m dead. Maybe when he got up close he decided I wasn’t his type. Some vampires are like that. It has to be A-positive, or B-negative, or O. I might’ve lucked out and gotten a picky one. Or maybe he’s just tormenting me, getting the blood warmed up for later.
    I keep my eyes on him until he disappears down the hall. A crack of thunder rolls through the building, a dry storm starting outside.
    Making my way through the school, I realize how really flustered I am. It takes several minutes of walking the hallways before I find a janitor to let me out.
    “You know a guy who wears a hoodie with a snake on the back?” I ask, hoping it was just some maintenance guy with a demented sense of humor.
    “Nope. I just mop the floors.” He unlocks the door, pushes me through onto the steps. The door shuts with a clang that seems to reverberate through me.
    Dark clouds are blocking the sun. I start running for Daylight.

Chapter 11
    D ay has shifted into night by the time I arrive at the Daylight Grill. I’m disappointed to discover that Michael’s not here yet. I order a hot chocolate and sit at an empty table near one of the windows. I can’t seem to control my trembling. I wish I hadn’t missed the sunset. It’s strange, but I love watching it, even though it’s a signal for the monsters to come out to play. It calms me.
    On Day Street, it’s a very different experience. As the shadows lengthen and creep between the buildings, huge street lamps come on. Before long, it’s daylight again. Eventually all of Denver will be like this: daylight all the time so people feel safe. Unfortunately, an artificial sun isn’t much of a deterrent to vamp—
    “Is this seat taken?”
    Case in point. I jerk my gaze around to find Victor staring right at me, cup of coffee in hand. It’s a shame a face that gorgeous has to belong to a vampire.
    And he is absolutely the very last person I want to see at this precise moment.
    “Yes, as a matter of fact, it is, so get the hell away from me.”
    Completely ignoring my protest, he plunks himself down across from me, wrapping both hands around his mug as he sets it on the table. His gaze is so intense, like he can see straight into my soul. “What’s wrong?” he asks.
    “I’m expecting someone,” I emphasize, not bothering to hide my irritation.
    “No, you’re shaking. I can feel the vibrations over here.”
    Vampires have incredibly keen senses.
    “I want you gone.”
    “Something happened, Dawn. Tell me.” He places a hand over mine. It’s so warm it makes me realize how cold mine is. I jerk my hand out from beneath his. I don’t want him comforting me. That’s Michael’s job. Where the hell is he?
    “It’s none of your damn

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