me, I’d let you pay.” And he smiled again, a big toothy grin that made me laugh.

Chapter 12 - Bubblegum Ice Cream
    So, I was sitting at the local ice cream shop having a double scoop with that big massive hunk of a vampire. And he wasn’t just having any scoop-that colossal man was having Pink Bubblegum ice cream. On a dainty little sugar cone.
    “Thanks for the ice cream,” I said, while trying to suppress my laughter.
    “Sure thing.” Felix winked at me over his double pink scoops.
    I was having a scoop of Mint Chocolate Chip and a scoop of Pink Bubblegum in a cup. I love mint anything, but that day, it was a toss-up which was better between the two.
    We sat there, outside, at a table and bench made from concrete, happily eating our ice cream without feeling the need to fill the silence. Felix made me feel safe. It seemed like there was some sort of energy that was given off from him that made me feel so protected. Like how you feel with your parents when you’re young. Or aunt, in my case.
    With his ice cream gone Felix sat there cheerfully blowing bubbles with the bubble gum from his ice cream. I’d already spit mine into a napkin. The flavor was gone too quickly for me.
    He’d been right. I did feel better with a belly full of ice cream. I leaned forward, resting my arms on the table. A red and white striped umbrella on a long metal pole was stuck in the hole in the center of it. “Tell me more about the Vampire Wars. About the original vampires.”
    He leaned forward and rested his arms on the table, just as I had, and stared down at me for a long moment. His enormous biceps stretched the fabric of his very, and I mean very, fitted light blue T-shirt.
    I sat back a bit and stammered, “Th-that is…if you can.”
    “Of course I can,” he smiled and that sweet dimple that made him look less threatening appeared.
    I relaxed again and returned to leaning on the table. “Why did they turn on the vampires?”
    “I can tell you about the wars but I can’t give you an answer to the reasoning behind them. Not that I don’t want to, but because, after all these years, I’m still not clear on why.”
    I listened intently as he began to tell me the tale. He told me that nearly three-quarters of the original pure-blood vampire race was wiped out in the first war. That members of only four of the thirteen original royal families made it through and that only three of those lines were active today. One of which was divided by a particularly evil coven, leaving only two royal lines intact. He told me that pure-blood vampires were an endangered species and that he was one of only a very few left. He also told me that he was the last pure-blood male born in his family. “I’ve often had a thought that maybe the forces that be had grown angry with the infidelity of my father. He had mated with another bonded male’s mate. Something that is frowned upon in every belief.” He paused for a moment, just long enough for me to wonder how old he was. He didn’t look older than mid-thirties. But before I could ponder it any longer, he continued. “What my father did broke my mother’s heart, which affected us all. They tried to mend their union and my mother ended up conceiving once again. I was the youngest of their three sons until my mother gave birth to their fourth son. He was the first of the human species to be born. But he wasn’t the last. Soon after his birth the women of our race continued to bear children with no Vampiric qualities. Eventually my race stopped breeding altogether for fear of what was going on. And once the sub-species of our own kind rose up against us, there were very few of us left to keep the race going. Anymore, most vampires are mixed bloods like Oliver. But there are quite a few half-bloods out there too. I do believe I am of a dying breed and it’s unlikely I will bond with another purebred vampire. But if that does happen, I

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