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Book: darknadir by Lisanne Norman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisanne Norman
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wasn't dead until he saw her corpse.

Raiban growled gently. "I want your people guarding the spaceport, Master Rhyaz," she said. "Every passenger has to be checked, every piece of luggage and cargo large enough for Kezule to conceal himself in, and every vehicle not only guarded from the moment it lands, but searched immediately prior to takeoff."

"You're going to need an explanation for the newsvids, General. This is going to cause long delays and be very unpopular with everyone. And as I said, I think he's very unlikely to head for there. My bet is he'll make for the Valsgarth estate."

"Revenge? It might be the Brotherhood's way, but that male is a professional soldier, Rhyaz, a general! His priority will be to return to the nearest unit of his people."

He could hear the amusement in Raiban's voice and decided to ignore the insult. "Not revenge, a desire to return to his own time and reverse what has happened to his species' future on Shola. Security on the Aldatan and Valsgarth estates needs to be increased, General."

"There's enough people there already. In fact, I'm tempted to pull some out to help us catch Kezule. There hasn't been any threat to the mixed Leskas for a long time. If you want more soldiers, you'll have to use your own people, Rhyaz, if you've any left after deploying them at the spaceport. I expect them to be in position first thing tomorrow morning. Send me a list of the names and numbers you're sending and I'll have them added to the Forces payroll. Good day, Rhyaz."

As soon as the screen blanked, Rhyaz turned to his aide, L'Seuli. "She's right, we won't have the personnel on Shola to spare. Once you've drawn up Raiban's list and issued orders for those concerned, check the active roster and see who we can recall without arousing suspicion."

"Are you sure he'll head for there, Master Rhyaz?"

"No, but it's more likely than the spaceport."

"What about Chezy? Kezule took Fyak back to his time from there. He might be able to use the same method to take himself back."

"I've already got a small unit there, just in case."

    * * *
    As Brynne approached Stronghold, the winds caught the small aircar, buffeting it from side to side as he attempted to descend toward the outer walls.

"Control to approaching 'car. Ident codes required for permission to land." The voice filled the tiny vehicle, its highland burr obvious even to him.

"I don't have any," said Brynne. Until this moment, he'd had no doubts about making this journey. "Do I need one? I'm from Valsgarth estate. Do I really need one?" He was having his work cut out to control the vehicle in the strong crosswinds.

"Name?" The voice, relaxed before, was suddenly crisp.

"Brynne Stevens."

"We have no notification from Valsgarth that you're expected."

"I'm not," he said, hauling on the semicircular control bar as the craft suddenly began to drop toward the walls at an alarming rate. "Look, I've never been here before, and I'm having a devil of a job flying this 'car right now...."

A second voice cut him short. "Concentrate on your flying, Mr. Stevens. We're having the central courtyard cleared for you. Land as soon as you can. Remain in your vehicle, you'll be met."

He sounded angry, Brynne thought as he glanced briefly out of the side window. Damn. That's all he needed, to start off on the wrong foot. Below, figures were running out of the gatehouse toward the groups of students in the courtyard.

Embarrassment flooded through him and he was glad the aircar didn't have a vid unit. Maybe arriving unannounced like this was the worst thing he could do, but at least they hadn't refused him permission to land.

    * * *
    He was met by one of the black-robed Brothers, who, with punctilious formality, escorted him to Father Lijou's office. This was the first time he'd had any real dealings with the Head Priest and, as the older Sholan rose to his feet and came out from behind his desk to greet him, he was subjected to the priest's piercing

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