Darkest Risings

Darkest Risings by S. K. Yule

Book: Darkest Risings by S. K. Yule Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. K. Yule
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frowned and now wondered if there was in fact more between
Aldin and Alaina.
I said, it’s a long story. It’s in the past, and she apologized. I forgave her,
and she’s changed,” Ebony said. “Now can we please watch the movie?”
sorry, Ebony.” Wilhemina felt terrible for upsetting her friend.
no. It’s nothing really. It’s simply water under the bridge and it tends to
rile Avril up.”
She hurt my best friend. I don’t forgive things like that easily.”
know. I know. And I thank you for being my best friend. Now please start the
was curious about all the juicy tidbits now. She wasn’t a gossip, but the
journalist in her was always chomping at the bit for information. Too bad, Wilhemina. Let it go. It’s not
worth upsetting Ebony and Avril.
sighed and got comfortable after snagging a chocolate from the box. She took a
bite and groaned. It, along with the pizza, were so going right to her ass.
    * * * *
sat across from her sons in the study. Ashe lounged behind the ornate desk in
the middle of the room, Aiston sat on the black leather couch, and Aldin leaned
against the bar with his long legs crossed at the ankle in front of him.
in the world was she going to explain to them what she’d done? And even more
impossible? How would they ever forgive her? They wouldn’t.
going on, Mom?” Ashe asked.
took a deep breath in resignation of what she must do.
want all three of you to give me your word to not leave this room until I am
completely finished telling you what I need to say. Promise me that no matter
what I say, you will hear me out.”
starting to creep me out. What’s going on?” Aiston leaned forward and rested
his hands on his knees. “You know that’s no easy feat.”
me your word. All of you.” She waited until all three nodded before she
continued. If she knew one thing about her sons, none of them would break their
of all, I have someone I want here while I explain things to you.” She called
out telepathically. “ Ragnor, it’s time.”
second later, Ragnor shimmered into the room.
Aldin, and Aiston all tensed at the unexpected visitor.
okay,” Marilena murmured.
could you give someone permission to shimmer in our home after what happened to
Ebony, Mother?” Ashe asked through clenched teeth.
don’t need permission. I can shimmer where I please whenever I please,” Ragnor
answered in a deep voice.
pain inside Marilena’s heart was near crippling. Her sons favored their father,
but she never realized just how much until she saw them all, as grown men, in
the same room together.
a lie and you know it. No vampire can shimmer into another vampire’s home
without permission.” Aldin straightened to his full, impressive height with his
fists clenched at his sides.
assure you that I can.”
Just listen to me. We can sort through the details later,” Marilena pleaded
with her sons.
they all murmured in near unison.
have made some horrible choices over the years, and I’m afraid that after you
hear what I have to say, you will never speak to me again. Perhaps you will
even hate me.”
I need you to listen now. All of you. And try to have an open mind. While I
don’t expect you to forgive me, I expect you to at least try to understand why
I have taken the measures I have. Everything I’ve done was truly done out of
desperation and love. I was trying to protect all of you because you are my
twisted her fingers together in her lap and Ragnor placed his hand on her
shoulder as if to comfort and encourage at the same time.
    “Go on, Marilena. I’m here for you
now, and I’ll be here for you after.”
voice in her mind was like a soothing salve on the ever-widening gaping wound
in her

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