Dark Waters

Dark Waters by Cathy MacPhail

Book: Dark Waters by Cathy MacPhail Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy MacPhail
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    Finally, Col couldn’t take any more. ‘It wasn’t Mungo did it, right? Get that through your thick skull, Denny. He wouldn’t do that to friends of mine, or to me. And I had nothing to do with it either.’
    Denny took a step back, surprised by his outburst. ‘Well, that’s no’ what everybody’s saying.’
    ‘Well, they’re wrong. And if I hear you spreading that about, I’ll belt ye!’
    ‘You’ll belt me?’ Now Denny looked alarmed. Alarmed and puzzled. ‘You’ve changed, Col. I think you went into that loch as Col, and you came out as somebody else entirely.’
    As Denny stalked away from him, Col shouted, ‘Maybe this is the real me then.’
    ‘I think you’ve changed for the better.’
    He turned at the unmistakably husky voice of Blaikie. Her hair was even blacker than usual, standing out in spikes round her head, like a chargrilled Statue of Liberty.
    ‘What do you mean? I’ve changed for the better?’
    Blaikie shrugged, blew a fat, slow bubble. Sucked it back into her mouth before she answered. ‘You’re easier to talk to. Nicer. Everybody says it. Not just me.’ She chewed thoughtfully. ‘Even Mrs Holden’s getting to like you.’
    That was true, and it was strange that Blaikie, of all people, should have noticed that. He smiled at her.
    She smiled back. Her face was so white, her teeth looked yellow. ‘See,’ she said. ‘You’ve never smiled at me in your life.’
    ‘I wish you’d wash that muck off your face, Blaikie. You’d be a real cracker if you didn’t wear that make-up.’
    For a minute he was sure she was going to spit her chewing gum at him, but then, she smiled again. ‘If you say Mungo didn’t do it, I’ll believe you.’
    In that second, Col realised he wanted to tell her everything. He needed somebody to confide in, maybe Blaikie was the one. She would listen. She would understand.
    But the moment passed as Col heard a familiar, excited voice calling him from across the playground.
    ‘Col! Col!’
    It was Dominic, jumping about at the school gates, and with him, looking grim, was Mr Sampson.

Chapter Eighteen
    Dominic came running up to him, and began pulling on his hand. ‘Come on, Col.’
    Col was sweating as he was dragged towards the school gates.
    ‘You’re for it now,’ Denny sneered at him as he passed. Denny, once his best pal, was now wishing more trouble on him. Mr Sampson wasn’t even looking Col’s way. He kept his back to him, studying the road intently.
    Col saw his headmaster emerge from the school building. He caught sight of Mr Sampson. Col saw recognition on his face. Then alarm as he saw Col heading towards him. Col had seen that look many times before. Waiting for trouble. Expecting it from the McCanns.
    Col could hardly listen to Dominic’s chattering. Onlycaught snatches of it.
    ‘My dad’s got the car. Wants you to go with him.’
    Col’s heart was bursting through his chest. Wants me to go with him? he thought. Where?
    To the police station probably.
    Out of the corner of his eye he could see his headmaster watching closely, waiting. And not just his eyes, the eyes of all the other pupils in the playground.
    Mr Sampson turned as Col approached. Col stopped dead. He was aware of all the eyes of the school turned towards him, from the playground, from teachers, from windows. Everyone.
    And, suddenly, to his surprise, Mr Sampson smiled. ‘Hello, Col. How are you?’
    Col couldn’t answer. His mouth was dry. He was too surprised. He glanced quickly back into the playground. The tension there seemed to have dropped. The headmaster was still heading for his car, still darting quick glances towards the school gates. But he seemed more relaxed now.
    Col looked back at Mr Sampson. ‘Why did you come here?’ he asked, puzzled.
    Dominic answered, bouncing with enthusiasm as usual. ‘We’re all going out for a meal. It’s my mum’sbirthday. You’re coming too. We’ve already phoned your mum. It’s OK.’
    He stopped for

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