Dark Spirits

Dark Spirits by Rebekkah Ford Page A

Book: Dark Spirits by Rebekkah Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebekkah Ford
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aside, she attacked me, and I cast her out, which by the way, thanks for telling me what it feels like when a dark spirit vacates the body,” I said sarcastically.
    “Sorry about that,” he offhandedly said. “But you shouldn’t have been in that position. It’s not safe. What if there were a bunch of them? Then what would you have done?”
    I shrugged. “I don’t know, but that’s not the point. The point is he believed in me enough to allow me to cast a dark spirit out on my own. You see. He’s already done it several times. It was part of his training, which Anwar should have done for me,” I said with a huff.
    “You said there were two, so what happened with the other one?” Nathan asked, ignoring my complaint about Anwar.
    “Brayden let the other one go because the dude kept begging him to.” I was glad Brayden did because that dark spirit seemed harmless, and he took care of the body. One less thing we had to worry about.
    Nathan frowned in disapproval and then began pacing. I sat back on the couch, not caring if he disagreed with what Brayden had done. Or if he was mad at me for that matter. If he wasn’t so overprotective, this would have never happened because I would have been with him instead of Brayden. So now he had to make a choice: he included me in on his plans, or I would be doing things my own way without him.
    A vibrating sound on the end table broke the silence. Nathan stopped pacing, and his gaze fell on my cell phone. I picked it up, wondering who it could be. I could feel Nathan’s eyes on me, and as much as I tried not to, I smiled at what the message said:
    u kicked ass 2 nite.
    I looked up, and Nathan was scowling at my hand. I tried to wipe the smile from my face, but the thrill that went through me made me smile even more. I mean, I did kick some ass tonight, and it felt great.
    A gust of air hit me in the face, and my phone was swiftly lifted out of my hand.
    “Nathan!” I said when I saw him standing in the middle of the living room, holding my phone, reading it. “Give that back.” I couldn’t believe he’d done that. It wasn’t like I wouldn’t have told him what it said, and it pissed me off.
    He shook his head and tossed the phone to me. It landed in my lap. I glanced at it and then at him. He was pacing again.
    I texted Brayden a thanks and to have a good night. I placed my phone back on the end table and sat watching Nathan pacing until I couldn’t take it any longer.
    “Are you going to tell me what happened tonight and why you had somebody else’s scent on you?”
    He stopped and turned to me. “I ran into an old friend, and she hugged me.” His attention fell on the Claddagh ring, and he picked it up. “Please, Paige, will you put this on?” He held it out to me, and my heart clenched when I saw the sadness in his face, but I couldn’t allow my emotions to get in the way of what needed to be resolved.
    I cleared my throat and hoped I wouldn’t sound like a cold-hearted bitch. “I can’t wear it until our relationship resembles the meaning of that ring and right now it doesn’t.”
    He looked down and nodded, placing the ring back on the coffee table. He sat on the edge of the recliner across from me with his legs spread apart and his arms resting on his knees. He bowed his head, and I could hear him taking deep, slow breaths. I stared at my lap, hating that we were in this position and wondered if we would get through it.
    “I do have faith in you.” He lifted his head, and his eyes were red and glassy. I swallowed against the thickness growing in my throat as he continued. “But it seems like you don’t have faith in me or us.”
    Okay, this was b. s. He wasn’t going to turn this around and shift the blame on me. A flash of anger whipped through me, loosening the tightness in my throat and quickening my heart. He must have heard it and sensed the change in my mood because he spoke before I could open my mouth.
    “Hear me out before you get

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