Dark Promise
every candle on that cake in one breath. Maybe, just maybe, my wish would come true.
    I had told everyone not to bring presents, and they had listened, which was a huge relief. I didn’t have to be the center of attention while opening them. That would have put me over the edge. Someone cranked up the music, and everyone started dancing. This was what being a teenager was supposed to be about. Not wings and dark faeries.
    A slow song eventually came on, and I searched for Adam in the crowd. It was dim—someone had lowered the lights—but our eyes met through the gently shifting mass of bodies. We crossed the room and met in the middle. He took me in his arms, placing his hand on the small of my back—just below my wings. I put my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating just underneath the bass thump of the music.
    He made me feel safe, secure, normal. I held on even after the song ended. Finally, I released the strong grasp I had on him. He leaned down and softly brushed my lips with his. The kiss grew in passion until he pulled away, breathless. Licking his lips, he said with a smile, “You’re intense tonight.”
    “Sorry.” I blushed.
    “It’s okay. Just different. I like it.”
    Different. The word echoed in my head, but I kept it together.
    “I think it’s time for your present.” Adam gave me his crooked grin. “It’s in the truck. Let’s sneak out.”
    I bit my lip and glanced around. No one was paying attention to us. I grabbed his hand and we ran up the stairs. Even though I tell people I hate surprises, I secretly loved them. Adam had always been the best at picking presents, even when he was really young. I couldn’t wait to see what he got me this year.
    It was a cool evening, and the air smelled of honeysuckle and pine. My high heels tapped along the front walk as we walked to where his truck was parked on the street, loud in the silent night.
    “Close your eyes,” Adam told me when we reached the truck. I heard the door creak open. “No peeking.”
    The suspense was killing me. I groaned and shut my eyes tight. He knew me so well.
    Adam’s hand clasped mine, and he pulled me towards him. “Okay, you can open them now.”
    I looked down. He held a small, square box in his hand. It was perfectly wrapped in white paper with a red bow. “Did you wrap it yourself?” I asked.
    “I might have had a little help with that part,” he said sheepishly. “But I picked it out on my own.”
    “Is it a watch?” I asked as I shook it.
    He laughed. “Just open it.”
    “Fine.” I pulled the ribbon slowly and carefully unwrapped the paper. The box was silver and shiny. “Earrings?”
    “Open it.” Adam nudged me.
    I opened the box and covered my mouth. A delicate, silver charm bracelet lay inside. I had wanted one forever. Carefully taking it out, I saw there were two charms dangling from it. One was a heart with a small diamond in the middle and the other a music note. “It’s perfect.” I held my hand out so he could clasp it on my wrist.
    “Well, I figured you love music, and I love you, so I was hoping you’d like the charms I picked out.”
    “Like it—I love it.” I threw my arms around his neck and the bracelet clinked as it slid down my wrist.
    Adam ran his thumb down the side of my cheek. “I love you, Rylie McCallister.” He lifted my chin with his finger and, with our noses almost touching, he gently pressed his lips against mine. The noise of the party faded, and there was nothing but us for those few minutes.
    I pulled away, dragging a little bit of his lip with me, and smiled as I caught him still with his eyes closed. “I guess we should get inside. They’re probably wondering where we snuck off to,” I said reluctantly.
    “Yeah.” He sighed and slung an arm around my shoulder to walk back to the party.
    The party lasted a couple more hours. I challenged Sierra to a game of air hockey, Adam and I danced

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