Dark Desire

Dark Desire by Bec Botefuhr Page B

Book: Dark Desire by Bec Botefuhr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bec Botefuhr
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
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    “I don’t think so either,” I whisper, hugging myself.
    “Baby, are you ok here?”
    I nod, weakly.
    “Lock the doors; I’ll call before I come home. Don’t open it for anyone else.”
    He kisses me quickly, and then grips his phone and keys.
    He turns to look at me, his eyes scan my face.
    “I’m sorry I keep putting you in the middle of all this.”
    He walks over and takes my face in his hands. “You’re doing nothing, this isn’t on you baby, this is him doing what he would have done with or without you.”
    I nod and he kisses me again, then he’s gone and I’m left alone. I just can’t wrap my mind around what just happened back there. Jagger is a lethal fighter and his father knows it. Why didn’t I know this about him? I feel like I’ve been missing a huge chunk in Jagger’s history. With a deep breath, I stand and walk into the kitchen. I need something to calm my nerves.
    My phone rings when I’m shooting back a shot of whiskey. I glance down at the screen, it’s Joey. I close my eyes a moment, and then I answer it, “Hey Joey.”
    “Hey girl, you don’t sound so good. Are you ok?”
    “I’m fine, just having one of those days. What’s up?”
    “Not much, I just wanted to tell you I’m going away for a few months. I got offered an amazing modeling job.”
    “Aw Joey, I only just met you!” I frown.
    He laughs. “I know girl, but don’t worry, I’ll be back. I swear it.”
    “I’m happy for you, truly. Tell me about it.”
    He tells me about a contract he picked up and how it’s based in New York. I’m proud of him, Joey has talent and it doesn’t surprise me that he would get picked up and offered amazing jobs.
    “I’m so happy for you,” I smile.
    “Thanks girl, how are things with you anyway?”
    “Oh…you know…the usual over protective boyfriend.”
    He laughs, “Least he makes up for it in hotness.”
    I giggle. “True.”
    “Look, I have to go. I’m going to call you every week ok?”
    I sigh. “Ok Joey, good luck. I’m going to miss you!”
    “Me too, I’ll call.”
    “Bye Joey.”
    “Bye girl.”
    When he hangs up, I close my eyes and frown. I’ll miss Joey, I only just got to know him and already he’s being whisked away. I throw my phone down onto the bench and take another shot of whiskey. That’s when the doorbell rings. Jagger said he would call so I know it’s not him. I hesitate. I don’t want to open it after what happened back there.
    “Hello? Johnny?”
    Well fuck. It’s Aunt Haggard. I walk over and open it, only to face a shocked Mary. Why doesn’t someone just shoot me? It’d be kinder.
    “Mary. ” I say in a voice full of steel.
    She frowns. She’s clutching a large bag under her left arm and another bag full of groceries in her other hand.
    “I’m looking for Johnny,”
    “Jagger isn’t here.”
    I make a point of calling him Jagger, because I know she hates it. She scrunches her face up and glowers at me. I smile sweetly.
    “Well, I’ll wait for him.”
    “I’d rather you didn’t.”
    Her eyes widen. “Does he know you’re so rude when he’s not around?”
    “Right back at ya, AUNT Mary,”
    She squints her eyes and gives me a truly horrible look.
    “Well, I have some things for him that I know he’ll appreciate.”
    She brushes past me and into the kitchen.
    “Sure, come in, make yourself at home.” I mutter sarcastically.
    She drops the bags onto the counter and begins pulling out the contents. She lays photos out on the bench and my heart seizes when I see that those photos are of Jagger and Sharleen. My heart clenches and I stare in horror as she smiles down at them as though they are photos of her long lost child. Fuckin’ skitzo.
    “They were so in love, until you came along and made him think he wanted something different. If you weren’t around, he would have been with her when she returned.”
    I can see the photos clearly now, and the pain digging into my heart is

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