Dark Deceiver

Dark Deceiver by Pamela Palmer

Book: Dark Deceiver by Pamela Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Palmer
    â€œOh, dear. Oh, no, I don’t think so.”
    Autumn’s stomach clutched with panic. She had to get that stone.
    She tried a different tactic and waved her hand airily. “You don’t have to give me an answer today, but why don’t you talk to your children about it? Your grandchildren might be thrilled to see their gifts on display in the Smithsonian.”
    Mr. Robertson’s head began to nod and as it did, he started to smile. “You’re right. Why, I can take them there myself and show them my art. My art, in the Smithsonian.”
    Oh, she was going to have to make this happen.
    â€œI’ll have my daughter bring her kids’ sculptures to me tomorrow,” he said. “None of my boys live in the area anymore, but they could overnight them directly to the museum.”
    â€œBetter yet,” Autumn said. “Have them mail them to me at home. That way I won’t have to hunt them down.” The truth was, she didn’t want to have to explain these pieces to anyone at the museum. Especially when she still had some removing and replacing of stones to do. She took out one of her business cards, wrote the marina address on the back, and handed it to him. “I’ll take this one with me today.”
    â€œYes, indeed.” The older man grinned. “This is such a proud day.”
    Autumn smiled and shook his hand. “You should be proud, Mr. Robertson. You have an amazing talent.” She said goodbye and started down the walk with a grin that just wouldn’t be contained. One of the most powerful stones in the world—in two worlds—was safe in her hands.
    A giddy euphoria bubbled up inside her, making her want to laugh. She should call Kade and tell him what he’d helped her accomplish by sharing his dream. He’d want to know. Even if he wasn’t interested in her romantically.
    And it was the perfect excuse to hear his voice again.
    â€œHere,” Ustanis said. “This is the area where I keep smelling the stone.”
    â€œPark the car,” Zander ordered the enchanted driver. With a scowl he turned to Ustanis. “I’m disappointed in you, Ustanis, as the king will be when we return with only half the stones.”
    Ustanis met his scowl with one of his own. “This world is too large, Zander. If the king knew the impossibility of his demand…”
    â€œIf you are not up to the task, Rith will find one who is.”
    Dismay pulled at Ustanis’s expression. “One of the stones is nearby. I’ve smelled it for days, but can’t find it. I fear something’s blocking it. I had hoped you could tell me if there’s a Sitheen in the area causing the disturbance.”
    Zander opened his own senses. “No Sitheen. Holly. The plant dampens the magic that would pass through it.” He searched the houses on both sides of the street and found holly bushes in abundance. “You’ll have to enter the dwellings.”
    â€œThe task could take me days.”
    â€œThen you had best begin.”
    Ustanis released a frustrated breath. But as he reached for the door handle, he froze. “I smell it clearly.” He pointed to a dwelling three houses down from which a tall, red-haired woman emerged. In her hand she carried some kind of object.
    â€œThere! The stone’s power follows her path.”
    His hand closed around the door’s handle, but Zander stopped him.
    â€œThat deadness of energy follows her, as well. She’s wearing holly and will see through your glamour. Best to approach her where she cannot escape. We’ll follow. When the time and place are right, we’ll retrieve what is ours.”
    Autumn climbed into her car, set the sculpture carefully on the seat beside her, then locked the doors. She pulled her phone from her purse and pressed the speed-dial number she’d foolishly thought she’d be calling often.

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