Dark Chocolate Murder

Dark Chocolate Murder by Anisa Claire West

Book: Dark Chocolate Murder by Anisa Claire West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anisa Claire West
an impromptu kiss on his wine-sweet lips.
    From the entrance to the foyer, Jean-Jacques and Crystal stood peering at them curiously.  Crystal had her hands on her hips, and in the gleaming moonlight, Belinda thought she perceived a flash of envy in her green eyes.  Jean-Jacques took the lead and gestured grandly for his guests to enter.
    “Welcome to our home,” he said, reaching out a hand to shake with Pierre.
    “ Merci beaucoup . Pleased to meet you both,” Pierre said cordially.
    Crystal stared unabashedly at Pierre, raking her eyes over his body from head to toe and back up again.  She seemed to be appraising him, and he clearly met with her approval.  Belinda frowned as Crystal’s eyes remained glued to Pierre’s body.  Why was she acting this way tonight?  Perhaps she had drunk too much wine as well earlier in the evening.
    “Crystal and Jean-Jacques, this is Pierre C édaire.  We met at my shop last week,” Belinda provided the formal introductions, shooting Crystal a warning glare as her eyes still devoured Pierre.
    Finally snapping out of her dream state, Crystal averted her eyes from Pierre and looked apologeti cally at her sister.  Growing up in Massachusetts, the Rockland girls had always adhered to a strict sisterly code: look at the other’s boyfriend as though he were your brother.  Crystal knew that she had favored Pierre with anything but a platonic stare, and she felt ashamed.  The sisters had never let a man damage their bond, and she certainly didn’t want to start now.  But he was an exceptionally gorgeous man…
    Jean-Jacques didn’t seem to notice the crackling of tension between Belinda and Crystal.  Amiably, he guided the group onto the veranda where they sat down to a snack of coffee and cake in the brisk night air.
    After an hour of light-hearted conversation, Belinda yawned conspicuously.  “I don’t mean to cut this short, but I have to be at the shop bright and early.”
    “But the boutique doesn’t open until noon,” Crystal pouted.
    “Yes, but I have to get there early to make fresh chocolates and set everything up,” Belinda said impatiently.  “And it’s been a very long day.”
    Secretly, Belinda was disappointed that she and Pierre hadn’t made love again.  Joining together just once that afternoon had been a tease, and she found herself hungry for much more.
    Belinda was grateful when Jean-Jacques let out a yawn of his own and said, “I do have a business meeting to get to early tomorrow morning myself.  It’s been a very pleasant evening.  Thank you both for stopping by.”
    “Thank you, Jean-Jacques. ” Belinda leapt eagerly to her feet and gave her brother-in-law a quick hug.
    Crystal tepidly kissed Belinda on the cheek and limply shook Pierre’s hand.  Since staring him down earlier, Crystal had hardly looked in the man’s direction.  Belinda and Pierre waved a final goodbye to the married couple before speeding off with the sunroof open and vanishing into the night.
    Arriving on Belinda’s street, Pierre set the car into park but did not remove his seatbelt.  She frowned, wondering why he wasn’t asking to come inside.  Belinda thought about inviting him in but didn’t want to be pushy.  The man had already spent the entire day with her and met her family.  Now was the time to let go and say a gracious goodnight…
    “You don’t want to come inside?” She blurted out, instantly regretting it.
    “What?” Pierre asked, surprised.
    “I mean, you just want to drop me off and leave?” The words streamed out of her mouth uncontrollably.
    Slowly, a flicker of understanding illuminated his eyes.  “Oh, I do want to come inside.  I really do.  But I know you have to work tomorrow…and…” he trailed off.
    “And what? If you really wanted to come inside, you would,” Belinda said sulkily while in her head she screamed at herself Shut Up!
    Smirking, Pierre grabbed Belinda’s hand and placed it on his zipper. 

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