Dark Calling

Dark Calling by Cheryl McIntyre

Book: Dark Calling by Cheryl McIntyre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl McIntyre
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side.  She was the one lied to by the most important people in her life after all.
    “ You’r e looking a little faded, Keely,” Farah calls.   “ Better run down to Freak-Mart and get yourself a bottle of instant emo before we all figure out what color yo ur hair really is.”   Joce lyn, doing her side kick duties giggles beside her.
    Lila shoots them a venomous glare.  Keely d ucks her head and walks faster.  Nick moves closer to her protectively.
    “Hey, Nick.  Did Freak-Mart have a two for one sale?  What happened?  You use d to be normal?”  Farah is smiling, but her eyes are blazing with disgust.
    “Yeah, they did .  Too bad you missed it, Farah,” Lila says, her voice sweet as honey.   “ They had some great hats to co ver that stupid hair cut of yours, too.”   Her lips spread into a picture wo rthy smile.  Farah is raging; h er fingers curl into stubby little freckled fists.  Jocelyn has to grab her arm and pull her away.
    “You better shut your mouth before I shut it for you Lila,” Farah shouts as she’s drug into the school.
    “Why do you antagonize the children?” Dustin asks as he joins them.  He throws an arm around Lila.  Kisses the top of her colorful head.
    “She started it. ”
    “So you finished it.  Makes sense,” Dustin laughs.  He tears his eyes off Lila to look at Keely.  “Hey Keel.  How are you holding up?”  He says it sympath et ically , like he already knows the answer.
    “You too Dus ty?”  She stops so unexpectedly Nick walks into her.
    “Ulp, sorry.”
    Keely ignores Nick’s apology, but puts her hand out, resting it on his arm, as if to stea dy him.  “So, who else?  Dana?”   She looks from face to face. 
    “No, not Dana.  But Giordano,” Nick says.  He looks at her hand still on his arm.  “That’s it though.  I promise.”
    Keely ’s mouth pops open.  She is s hocked to find her History teacher is involved as well.  She drops her hand.  Turns back toward the school.  Suddenly, she doesn’t want to go anymore.  However, she isn’t willing to admit t hat as Nick opens the door for her.  They break off, she and Nick going one way, the others going another way.
    “See you at lunch,” Lila sings.
    “See you in History,” Bryon says to Keely.  It sounds like a question.  She nods dismissively.  Turns away just as Lila puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 
    Once inside her home room class, Keely plops down in a seat and pulls her iPod, notebook , and pencil out of her backpack .  Places the ear buds into her ears and begins sketching her view of the hallway , including the doorway and the fire extinguisher hanging beside it.
    Nick watches from the desk beside her admiringly.  He loves her intensity when she draws.  As if she forgets there is anyone else around.  It’s her and her pencil.  He knows the music she is listening to must be a slow song.  Her body is perfectly still but the soft strokes of her hand.  He can tell jus t by the mellow way she moves over the paper. 
    The teacher closes the door.  Takes attendance.  Hands out a reminder and home room is over.  Keely packs up quietly, throws her picture into the trash on her way out the door.  Nick ducks down, fishes it out.  Slips it into his binder.  Keely peers over her shoulder.   Green eyes quizzical.
    “What are you doing?”
    Nick tucks his binder under his arm.  “Nothing, let’s go.”
    Algebra is uneventful.  Her evil De mon Prince brother is a no show as Nick expected.  They are kept busy throughout class and Keely doesn’t have a chance to think about how badly her life sucks.  Mr. Steffey gives them a ridiculous amount of homework before the bell rings. 
    Nick waits patiently as Keely s hoves her book into her back pack .  Drops her paper.  They nearly collide as they both bend to pick it up.  Both grab the sheet of paper, fingers touching.  Eyes meet and both smile.   It’s the highlight of the hour.  
    Wal king through

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