Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1)

Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1) by Lora Ann

Book: Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1) by Lora Ann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Ann
    “Of course, Miss Kincaid.”
    She locked her gaze with Leith’s. “Tar?”
    “No need for him or any of them to know until we go in and find out what’s going on.”
    She blew out a long breath. “Okay. When?”
    “Right now,” Mr. Reed answered as they approached a hotel. “You can use my room to freshen up. Appropriate attire will be there waiting for you both.”
    Keeley had at least a hundred more questions to ask Leith, but they were never left alone for her to do so. After a shower, she noticed a pretty, plum cocktail dress hanging by the mirror. She styled her hair, put on some makeup, then the simple dress. As she slipped on the five-inch black stilettos, she caught a glimpse of her backside. There was nothing innocent about the low V in the back. How’d I miss that when I put it on? The slit, which traveled down to her low back, was tasteful not vulgar, and as she turned this way and that, it opened and closed.  Good. She wasn’t totally off her rocker. A knock at the door broke her inner musings. “Come in.”
    Leith entered in a sleek, black Armani suit. She stood there speechless. He really was quite handsome. His gaze traveled down to her toes and back up. “Whoa. You look stunning.”
    “You’re not so bad yourself,” Keeley said as she stepped out of the room.
    Mr. Reed gave them the key people they were to look for and cozy up to at the party. She studied the photos closely with Leith. He glanced over at her. “Ready?”
    “Let’s do this,” she answered.
    The zing of sexual chemistry kept Keeley on high alert while they mingled in the crush. Every time Leith put his hand on her bare back she became aware of just how attractive he was. His light brown hair had a tinge of copper she noticed under the lights. His eyes were brown like hers but softer, reminding her of amaretto. She followed his lead toward a back room, instantly spotting several men from the pictures she’d seen earlier. One in particular couldn’t stop looking at her. Something about him brought her gaze down as if waiting for permission to meet his. No, no, no. With deliberate effort she forced a glance up at him, her sable irises locking on his piercing ice blue ones. There was no warmth in the depths of those stunning eyes. Cold, calculating, he studied her as if wondering what his bid should be. Shit. She knew where this was leading and suddenly wanted to be safe in Tar’s arms. The tall man, though not as tall as Tarius, moved her direction with a predator’s grace.
    Leith seemed to sense something wasn’t quite right and brought his attention to Keeley. What he witnessed, a tiger stalking his prey. He wasn’t sure this was one of his brighter decisions. The fear in Keeley was palpable, but so was the craving. The addict was presented with a drug that could bring an ultimate high. Leith reached for her arm, staking a claim, but the man heeded no warning as he locked onto who he wanted for the night. “Keeley? You okay?” Leith whispered, hoping to pull her from whatever trance the guy had her in.
    “Hm-mm,” was her reply.
    Leith needed her back from wherever her mind had taken her. “You should be able to see Tar when we leave here.” Her gaze flashed at his, making him feel like an asshole. They had a job to do, after all, and he was blowing it. Big time. The man reached them and Leith held out his hand, introducing himself.
    “Mr. Braxton,” the dangerous man replied politely, never taking his gaze off Keeley.
    Leith went on with polite small talk. The evening proved fruitful and the tip was accurate. Leith felt his gut churn with the knowledge of what these men did behind closed doors. Eventually, he and Keeley were brought into a more private area where Mr. Braxton made an offer.
    Braxton addressed Keeley, “I would very much appreciate your company later on.”
    “She goes nowhere without me,” Leith asserted.
    “Of course,” he chuckled, “the more the merrier in

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