Dark and Bright

Dark and Bright by Anna Markland

Book: Dark and Bright by Anna Markland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Markland
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—Norman nobleman; hero of Hastings; confidant to William the Conqueror. First Earl of Ellesmere; Comte de Montbryce; eldest son of Bernard de Montbryce, brother to Antoine and Hugh. Hero of CP. AMOV, PIB & DP
Regis —Antoine’s stallion ILDE
Renouf de Maubadon —Norman (Angevin) villain of PIB
Rhodri ap Owain —Welsh villain turned hero. CP, AMOV, DP
Rhonwen Dda —Welsh/Saxon heroine DP. Healer CP
Rhun ap Rhodri —Welsh patriot; son of Rhodri. Twin of Rhydderch. Redhead. DB, hero of WTH
Rhydderch ap Rhodri —Welsh patriot; son of Rhodri and Rhonwen. Redhead. Twin of Rhun. DB, hero of WTH
Rhys ap Rhodri —Eldest son of Rhodri; hero of DB. Appears in AMOV
Robert Curthose —Son of William the Conqueror; became Duke of Normandie on his father’s death; coveted his brother Henry’s throne; captured by Henry at Tinchebray and imprisoned for the remainder of his life. PIB
Robert de Montbryce —Eldest son of Ram and Mabelle; born in England. Becomes Comte de Montbryce. CP, AMOV, DP; hero of PIB
Ruyton —Location of Shelfhoc Hall
Schnell —Dieter’s greyhound, CA
Shelfhoc Hall —Ancestral home of the Woolgars in Ruyton, Shropshire, England.
Sibell —Mabelle’s mare in CP
Simon Hugo —Norman serf at Alensonne who murders Arnulf de Valtesse to avenge his daughter. CP
Stephen Marquand —ILDE Norman neighbour of Meltons
Sybilla de Taloche —ILDE; heroine; Angevin; widow of Denis de Sancerre, mother of the dwarf, Denis de Sancerre. Marries Antoine de Montbryce
Théobald Cormant —Norman steward; brother of Barat
Torod —Norman villain; thug, henchman of Renouf ILDE
Trésor —Cook at Ellesmere. The French word means ‘treasure’.CP
Tristan Bonhomme —Son of Honoré; steward at Montbryce
Tybaut —AMOV; steward at Shelfhoc Hall; Norman
Vangeline Bonhomme —Wife of Fernand; dies in 1066; CP
Velox —Hugh’s stallion in ILDE
Victoire —Cook at Domfort Castle; ILDE
Vormund —Hovawart breed dog; saves Dieter’s life
Wilona Melton —Saxon mother of Devona, heroine of ILDE
Woolgar —Married name of Ascha Bronson, widow of Sir Caedmon Woolgar, a housecarl of King Harold who died at Hastings; CP, AMOV
Wyvern —Caedmon’s horse; saves his life at Alnwick. AMOV

    Fr. =French
W. =Welsh
G .=German

Abbesse Fr. Abbess
Ap (or Ab) W. Son of
Arrête Fr. Stop!
Auf Weidersehen G . Goodbye
Au revoir Fr. Goodbye
Bébé Fr . Baby
Brychan W. Woven blanket
Commote W. area of administration in Wales
Comte Fr. Count
Comtesse Fr. Countess
Cymru W. Wales
Cymraeg W. Welsh language
D errière Fr . Bottom, backside
Dieu Fr. God
Ddoe W . Yesterday
Dros Cymru W. For Wales
Duw W . God
Duwiau W . Gods!
Enceinte Fr. Pregnant
Enfant Fr . Child. Mes enfants=my children
Exactement Fr. Exactly
Fils Fr. Son
Fromage cremeux Fr . Cream cheese
Fy Nuw W . My God
Garderobe Fr . Latrines
Gottes segen G . Godspeed
Gott sei Dank G . Thanks be to God
Gräfin G . Countess
Grandmaman Fr . Grandma
Gut! G . Good!
Ich bin es G . It’s me.
Ich liebe dich G . I love you
Ja G . Yes
Jardin Fr . Garden
Je t’aime Fr . I love you
Jongleur Fr. Minstrel, juggler, medieval entertainer
Kommen G . Come!
Là Fr . There
Liebling G . Sweetheart, darling
Llys W. (plural Llysoed) A building that served as a royal court for a commote in Wales.
Ma chère Fr. My dear
Majesté Fr. Majesty
Maman Fr. Mother (affectionate)
Méchant Fr. Naughty
Meine damen und herren G . Ladies and gentlemen
Mein Gott G . My God!
Mein Schatz G . My darling, my sweetheart
Merci Fr. Thank you
Mère Fr. Mother
Milord Fr. My lord
Minnesinger G . Minstrel
Mon petit Fr. little one
Nein G . No
Oes W . Yes
Oncle Fr. Uncle
Oubliette Fr. a small cell where prisoners were forgotten Fr. Oublier=to forget
Oui Fr. Yes
Pauvre Fr . Poor
Père Fr. Father
Petit baiser Fr. a little kiss
Prie-Dieu Fr. Kneeler, prayer stool
Regarde Fr . Look! Rute G . Shaft, manhood Rwy’n dy garu di W . I love you Schwarze ritter G . Black Knight
Seigneur Fr. Lord
Sieg G . Victory
Siwrne dda W. Good journey

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