Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)

Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1) by Rhonda Brewer

Book: Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1) by Rhonda Brewer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Brewer
pink. “Okay, that didn’t come out the way it was meant to. I meant I could help you get into bed. Not help you with…. ah...” She stopped talking and blew out a puff of air.
    “My normal reaction.” John raised an eyebrow. She dropped her head. “Okay, you can help me get this shirt off and make sure I don’t fall on my face while I sit on the bed. I’ll get my jeans when I get in bed. Deal.” He held out his hand.
    “Deal.” She smiled as she shook his hand. John squeezed it softly before letting it go. The shirt came off easier than he expected. The issue came when he sat back on the bed too hard and pain shot through his back.
    “Damn it.” This sucked.
    “Do you want something for pain?” She picked up the bottle of pills on the nightstand.
    “No, I just need to lay down.” He held onto her hand as he eased his body back onto the bed. A heating pad was under his back. Stephanie explained it was set to turn off after twenty minutes. The heat was heaven, and an angel was standing over him. This was a reminder, part of his body wasn’t relaxing. The spike pressing against his zipper. “I’m okay now. I can finish undressing.” Her eyes flicked to his crotch and his cock twitched. Ok, that didn’t help him at all.
    She headed for the doorway and then spun around. “If you need anything during the night, there’s a pager on your nightstand. I have one next to my bed.”
    He couldn’t take his eyes off her and for a moment it seemed like she wasn’t going to leave until she said good night and she was gone.
    Unbuttoning his jeans and pulling down the zipper relieved the pressure on his erection. Somehow he managed to get his jeans off and kick them to the floor. Between the heat from the pad on his back, and the memory of Stephanie’s hands cool on his skin, he was getting harder by the minute. He had to do something to relieve the pressure before he went insane. It wasn’t like he’d sleep in this condition. His hand slid inside his boxers and he grasped his thick cock. John closed his eyes and let imagination take over.
    “Fuck!” He groaned a few minutes later. Making himself come made him more relaxed than he’d been in a long time. Hopefully sleeping in his own bed after almost two months would help him get a good night sleep. He used his boxers to clean himself, and tossed them on the floor, then grabbed the corner of his quilt and covered himself. Between the warmth from the heating pad and his release, he was ready for sleep. Stephanie on his brain was a narcotic he didn’t want to give up.

Chapter 10
    Stephanie’s body shook as she leaned against his bedroom door. After the realization of why he pulled away, she didn’t know how to get out of the situation. Most men got turned on by massages. It never bothered her before, but the familiar pull in her belly made her realize she liked John being turned on by her. You are a professional .
    John might have been inactive for a while, but his body was still hard and sexy as hell. Pulling off his shirt was a mistake because all she could do was stare. His chiselled muscular chest, incredibly well-defined arms, and the most distinct six pack she’d ever seen, made her panties wet. So did the light dusting of light brown hair that covered his chest, tapered down his abs and disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans. How pathetic was she? Lusting after a man who she was hired to help. You can be professional; you have to be . She tiptoed down the hallway to her apartment. He didn’t need to know she was still outside his room.
    Her apartment was small but comfortable. The living room and kitchen were all in one, with a small island separating them. Off the living room was a door that led to her bedroom and bathroom. There was a patio door off the bedroom leading to the deck on the back of the house. It was perfect for her.
    Stephanie slipped off her clothes and pulled on her comfy Hello Kitty pajamas. It was nice to relax and get

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