Dangerous (The Dark Billionaire, #4)
Chapter One
    Right after the bomb explosion, Bruce immediately went back to the hotel and packed everything. Jennifer was too shocked and destabilized to even know what to think. She had no idea what to do and simply followed Bruce. At least, he seemed to know what he was doing.
    Her ears were still whistling from the loud detonation and she could see flashes of light and colors. Her head was spinning and her heart was racing. She knew she was panting and looked completely distraught when Bruce took her by the arms.
    “Jen,” he said. “Jen, we have to move. We have to go right now!”
    She felt her legs pulling her inside the reception where people were screaming and running in all directions. She wasn’t the only one to be panicked: everybody was. Except for Bruce. She glanced at him and noticed that he looked calm and collected. He didn’t look drunk anymore. He seemed pretty much in control of himself and the situation.
    How could he?
    Once in their room, she saw him calling someone and making gestures with his arms, as if the other person on the phone could see him. She took a good look at him and she changed her mind. He was scared too. Of course he was. He was just human. But he hadn’t freaked out and had reacted almost instinctively, the way an alpha male was supposed to.
    Jennifer felt a sudden admiration for him. She already admired him in many ways but this was totally different. Bruce was a city guy and a businessman. He wasn’t a well-trained military or special agent. And he wasn’t someone from the streets either. But he knew what to do in such a dangerous situation and Jennifer grew even more attracted to him. She was lost but somehow, she felt completely safe and protected around him. It was a warm and delicious feeling and she felt grateful to be his girlfriend.
    Jennifer lost track of time. She and Bruce waited in the hotel room but none of them talked. They didn’t exchange a single word. Then, Bruce received a phone call. She had no idea if it was ten minutes later or three hours later. She just heard the ring tone and saw him pick up the phone. Bruce said something, nodded and hung up.
    It almost felt like a dream. Less than twenty-four hours later, they were boarding his private jet and back in New York. They were at home, safe and far from any danger. At least, that’s how she felt about it but Bruce didn’t seem to think the same.
    Actually, Bruce was paranoid but who could blame him? He was supposed to be in that car when it exploded and who knew what was really supposed to happen? He hired a private security company to protect him twenty-four seven and his mansion was now packed with men in black.
    Jennifer didn’t mind but having all these armed men all around felt unnatural. She was supposed to feel safe but instead, she felt threatened. This wasn’t how life was supposed to be. The atmosphere was tensed and Jennifer wasn’t sure if Bruce was doing the right thing or not. Was it necessary? Was it reasonable? Was he in danger in New York?
    All she could say was that Bruce was shocked and much more affected than he was willing to admit. She saw him take long walks alone for hours around his property, not saying a single word to anyone. Jennifer felt worried about him and about them. Their relationship could be affected over the long term if he kept acting that way. Not because of her, though. Indeed, she would never let him down. She was worried about what he would do, if he ever decided to clean everything in his life.
    She knew that he was in a state of trauma and who knew what he was thinking? Wondering what she could do to improve this unbearable situation, she joined him in his office. He was sitting in the dark, completely naked.
    “Is there anything you need, Bruce?” She asked.
    He said nothing and didn’t even look at her. She approached his desk and grabbed his jacket on the wall.
    “You’re going to be cold,” she said, wrapping his naked shoulders. “Do you want to

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