Dangerous Curves 2: The Good Girl (A Billionaire and BBW erotica romance)

Dangerous Curves 2: The Good Girl (A Billionaire and BBW erotica romance) by Melody Banks

Book: Dangerous Curves 2: The Good Girl (A Billionaire and BBW erotica romance) by Melody Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Banks
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Chapter One
One week earlier
    “Violet, could I talk to you for a minute?”
    I glanced down at the clock on the right-hand corner of my computer screen – 6:38. Shouldn’t she be long gone by now? She being my boss Mariah. It wasn’t like her to stay in the office so late, especially on a Friday.
    In fact, I’d be cutting out in a few minutes myself. I suppressed a smile as I thought about my after-work plans for the evening.
    I had a hot date on the other side of town in just under an hour. Actually, the term “hot date” didn’t quite do it justice.
    I had received the message – my summons, as I jokingly called it – early this morning. I had just rolled out of bed and I was checking e-mails on my phone when the door buzzer went off, alerting me that I had a visitor downstairs. I pressed the talk button and asked, “May I help you?”
    “I have delivery for Miss Violet Lewis. It’s from Mr. Nicholas Colby.”
    My eyes shot wide open. A delivery? From Nick? It was barely 7 a.m. What could he possibly be sending me?
    “Come on up,” I said, pressing the button to unlock the door.
    A moment later, the deliveryman appeared, clutching a large to-go cup of coffee, a small pastry box, and a red envelope.
    “Mr. Colby wanted you to have these,” the deliveryman said, as I took the items from his hand.
    “Thank you,” I told him. I set Nick’s presents down on my coffee table and reached for my purse to give the deliveryman a tip. But as I started to pull out a few dollars, he held up his hand to stop me.
    “Mr. Colby has already taken care of it,” he said.
    “I insist,” I told him.
    I tried, again, to give him the tip, but he shook his head.
    “And Mr. Colby insists back. Good day,” he said, ducking out and shutting the door before I could protest.
    I turned and picked up the red envelope and carefully opened the flap. Inside, was a small white card, which read:
    Dinner tonight, 8 p.m. My driver will pick you up.
    P.S. Enjoy breakfast.
    I opened the pastry box and was delighted to find a chocolate cheesecake croissant – my favorite! I was even more delighted when I noticed a card that said:
    Tabor’s Gourmet Bake Shoppe
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Tabor’s Bake Shoppe is my all-time favorite bakery, and their cheesecake  croissants are to die for – especially the chocolate. I grew up an hour outside of St. Louis, and Tabor’s was a special treat that my parents took us to whenever we visited the city. I hadn’t eaten a croissant from there in years. How did Nick even know this place existed, much less that I loved their chocolate cheesecake croissants? And how did he get them here to Manhattan? Lots of restaurants overnighted food orders, but I knew for a fact that Tabor’s wasn’t one of them. Believe me, I’d tried.
    Ever since moving to New York three years ago, I’d religiously checked Tabor’s website, in the hopes that they would eventually start shipping out their baked goods. But no such luck. Unless, of course, you were Nicholas Colby. In that case, I supposed, you could have anything you wanted.
    I picked up the pastry, and took a big, indulgent bite.
    Oh. My. God.
    It was every bit as good as I remembered – possibly even better. The croissant’s pastry was soft and flaky with a deliciously rich creamy interior. The chocolate was smooth and wondrous. Each bite equated to utter perfection, somehow tasting even better than the one before it.
    I was so enamored with my pastry, that I temporarily forgot about the coffee. I picked it up and took a sip, and was thrilled to discover that, as with the pastry, Nick had also provided my favorite caffeinated drink: a double cappuccino, lightly sweetened.
    All in all, it was the perfect breakfast – and the fact that it had come from Nick Colby made it even more special.
    I smiled at the memory as I made my way over to Mariah’s office to see what she wanted.
    I’d been dreaming a bout my dinner date all day,

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