Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga)

Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga) by Karen Fuller Page A

Book: Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga) by Karen Fuller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Fuller
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been granted permission to speak to her directly yet.”
    This is ridiculous, he did it again , she thought. The
man is a buffoon, he called me a queen. If I were a queen I’d order his ass
kicked for insolence. She saw Drake smile. No, it can’t be. He couldn’t have just heard my thoughts.
    “No, the boy is not
    You stubborn ass, you talked around me again.
    Drake tilted his head
and looked into her eyes. Stubborn
    Sherry’s eyes rounded. You can hear me.
    “Thank you, Sean. We’ll
all be in the library, and don’t wish to be disturbed.”
    Sean bowed again. “Yes,
sire.” He left them.
    Oh, no you don’t, mister. You are not going to ignore
me. I want some answers.
    Later, vixen, we have others waiting.
    Fine, but this isn’t finished. She squeezed Mica’s shoulders. “Let’s go, hun.”
    “I’m afraid, Aunt Sher.
What if…?”
    “It’ll be okay, hun, you’ll
see. Everything will work itself out. Keep your chin up and remember that you’ll
always have me. No matter what happens in there, I’ll always be here for you,
kiddo. I promise.”
    He nodded. “Okay.”
    Two guards stood on
either side of the library doors and opened them when they approached. As they
entered the library, Sherry saw Mica and Desiree exchange a startled glance, then Mica bowed low. “My queen.”
    Okay, this is beyond weird. Drake?
    In a moment, love.
    “What’s this all
about?” Caleb demanded in a defensive tone. “ Who’s the
woman and the kid?”
    Drake cocked an eyebrow
at his tone. “Caleb, this is your son, Mica.”
    Caleb shook his head.
“Oh, no you don’t. You’re not saddling a kid on me. I’ve never seen that woman
before in my life. If she’s claiming that—”
    “ Enough! ” Drake roared. “You will be silent.”
    Caleb clamped his mouth
shut and glared at Sherry.
    “You see, Aunt Sher? I
knew he wouldn’t want me.” The dejected tone in Mica’s voice broke Sherry’s
    She approached Caleb
and slapped him hard across the face. “Why, you arrogant
    Caleb’s eyes turned,
glowing amber, as he shook with anger.
    Drake snatched Sherry
away, out of Caleb’s reach. His eyes glowed red, his voice cold and
threatening. “Shift and it will be your final time.”
    Mica gripped Caleb’s
shoulders and shook his friend. “Caleb, don’t!”
    Desiree looked between
Caleb and the boy. She smiled at the boy. “You’re Celia’s boy, aren’t you?”
    “We all thought you
were dead.”
    Caleb froze. “Celia. I
haven’t seen her in years.”
    Sherry crossed her arms
over her chest. “Obviously.”
    “If she’s claiming I’m
the boy’s father, then—”
    Desiree frowned as she
turned on Caleb. “Celia’s dead, Caleb.”
    The look that crossed
his face was first shock then sorrow. “I had no idea.”
    “It doesn’t take a
genius to see the resemblance between you two. Celia never told us who his
father was.”
    “Those men killed her
‘cause of you!” the boy yelled.
    “What men?”
    Drake crossed his arms
over his chest. “From what the boy has told us, it sounds like it was your old pack
from England. It appears that they were here to take your son. Celia died
protecting the boy from a vengeance directed at you.”
    Caleb sat down hard. “I
have a son,” he said in disbelief. “She should have told me.”
    “A son you now need to protect from your pack,” Drake said.
    Caleb shook his head.
“If he’s mine, I’ll protect him with my life, but with Celia gone how will I
know for sure?”
    Sherry frowned. “He’s
yours, trust me.”
    Caleb stared at Sherry
hard. “I don’t know you from Adam, lady.”
    “Caleb!” Mica
interjected. “Watch your tone, she is Drake’s queen.”
    Sherry caught her
breath and looked sharply at Drake. I’m
your what?
    Queen. Her eyes bugged, then he continued out loud. “Mica, boy, show your father what
you can do.”
    “Aunt Sher?” Sherry
threw Drake an exasperated

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