Dagger's Edge (Shadow series)

Dagger's Edge (Shadow series) by Anne Logston

Book: Dagger's Edge (Shadow series) by Anne Logston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Logston
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some as bribery—but if my goods meet with such approval, what can I be but flattered?”
    “I don’t see any of the tea you were drinking among these samples,” Argent said curiously, sipping the wine from a small crystal cup.
    “I beg your forgiveness, High Lord Argent,” Urien said, dismayed. “I would have had to bring a large shipment of the black tea in order to make a suitable profit. I brought only a small private stock for myself, so it didn’t occur to me to bring a sample for you. But I would be more than happy to share—”
    “Oh, no, no,” Argent said hurriedly. He smiled, taking a bite of cheese before sampling another liquor. “As you may know, Lord Urien, I used to run an herbal shop in town with
    my sister Elaria, who now manages it alone. To be quite honest, I’ve tasted so many teas in my years in the shop that I’m afraid they’ve lost all attraction for me. I can’t even enjoy a good pipe of dreamweed these days—I find myself evaluating the resin content and speculating on the rainfall in the harvest year.”
    Urien laughed.
    “Do you know, I find the same thing happening every time I try a new wine,” he said. “High Lady Donya, you don’t want to drink that out of the cup. It’s Bluebright essence, quite potent. Take one of the lumps of sugar on the saucer beside the cup, and pour a drop or two on the sugar, then eat it.”
    “Bluebright?” Donya hesitated. “I’ve never heard of it.”
    Urien waved the tray over and took a sugar lump for himself, dripped a little of the liquid from the tiny spoon in the bowl, and popped the lump of sugar into his mouth.
    “I wouldn’t like to joust afterward,” he smiled, “but it’s quite safe. Bluebright has become something of a fashion in Calidwyn.”
    Urien was interrupted as Markus, fumbling through the goods on one of the trays, knocked over several of the small cups and bowls. Donya flushed, muttering apologies as she tried to clean up the mess. Urien gallantly dismissed the incident.
    While Donya’s attention was on Markus, Jael surreptitiously took a lump of sugar, dipped a corner in the liquid, and shoved it into her mouth. A furious heat burst through her mouth, melting into a delightful mintlike coolness; Jael sucked in her breath sharply and, glancing up, met Urien’s eyes. Urien gave her an engaging grin and a wink that promised he could keep her secret, then turned back to Donya, who had laid her sugar down on her plate.
    “If you don’t object, I’d like to have my herbalists examine this first,” Donya said apologetically. “I’m always a little cautious about a new intoxicant in town.”
    “Of course, of course,” Urien said easily. “Your caution for your people does you honor. I won’t attempt to market the Bluebright until you give me permission. And now, if you’ll excuse me—”
    “Of course,” Argent said. “Thank you for showing us the samples, Lord Urien, and for your news of the temple.”
    Urien stood, bowing over Jael’s hand.
    “I will meet you and your escort at midmorning, Lady Jaellyn,” he said. “Good evening.”
    “Good evening,” Jael said, blushing again, but this time not with embarrassment.
    Donya and Argent again walked with Urien through the hall, but this time Jael was glad for the opportunity to sneak away to her room while the twins still hovered over Urien’s samples. She had started to feel quite strange—light and floating, warm inside, but her skin was deliciously cool. Her every movement seemed wonderfully drawn out and slow, as if she moved under water. A little unsteadily, Jael made her way to her room, sighing with relief as she latched the door behind her.
    To Jaellyn’s surprise, there was a wooden box lying on her pillow. An apology from her parents? Jaellyn scowled. They had plenty to apologize for, no doubt of that. But forthright Donya would have simply apologized, and that would be that; quiet and thoughtful Argent might have given her a gift, but he

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