Daemon Gates Trilogy

Daemon Gates Trilogy by Black Library

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Authors: Black Library
Tags: General Fiction
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hated every minute of it. If only there were some way to gain the upper hand, or even equal footing, he would challenge his master in a second, but Bloodgore had yet to see such a chance. So, he waited, and watched, and vented his wrath on the herd that had once been his.
    'He will kill you one day.'
    Deathmaul turned, unsurprised, as a figure melted out of the balcony shadows not far from his position. The newcomer was tall and thin, with long robes worn
    loose over dark clothes of sturdy make. Even in the dim light, he could see the runes woven into the robe's hems, and the similar marks on the heavy rings, wristlets and amulets adorning the man. Varlek never missed an opportunity to acquire a new item decorated with the signs of his master.
    Deathmaul grunted, glancing again towards the ruins' front edge, where Bloodgore had been glaring up at him just seconds before. 'He will need to muster his courage first, and if he does I will be ready.'
    'I've no doubt you can defeat him,' Varlek said smoothly, stepping closer and laying one long-fingered hand upon a shattered statue, the gems of his rings winking in the twi­light. 'The Blood God has chosen his champion well, but if he dies who will convey your orders to the herd?'
    'I still have you,' Deathmaul pointed out, laughing at the angry pride he saw flash across his companion's face. 'Do not fear, Varlek,' he assured the other man after a second's pause, 'I know you are more than just an errand boy.'
    'I do not serve you at all,' Varlek replied haughtily, his narrow features still tight with irritation. 'I answer to our master directly. I am only here because our goals coincide. If that changes, I am gone. Never forget that.'
    Deathmaul felt his temper rising at his companion's tone, and stretched to his full height so he could glower down at the sorcerer. 'And never forget that if you cross me, I will carve your spine from your body and use its shards to pick my teeth,' he growled. One hand gripped and tight­ened on a broken column nearby, splintering it further, while the other grasped the haft of his axe where it rested against his side. 'You are a useful ally, Varlek, but you are not indispensable. Do not try my patience!'
    They glared at one another for a moment, Varlek's slate grey eyes against Deathmaul's jet black ones, seeking dom­inance. At last Varlek looked away, admitting defeat. As they had both known he would.
    'What do you think of the new weapons?' Varlek asked after a moment, waving one hand towards the courtyard behind and below them, where members of the herd stood in a row facing broken statuary. They both turned to study the scene, watching silently for a time.
    'I do not like them,' Deathmaul stated finally. 'They are loud and sloppy. These creatures can barely hold the things properly, much less use them effectively.'
    'They give us range and power,' Varlek pointed out, 'and are devastating against a massed foe. Every arrow fired into a crowd will claim a target.'
    'Arrows do not explode on the bow,' Deathmaul growled, 'nor does their theft draw attention.'
    What if it does?' The sorcerer replied with a nasty smile, revealing small, sharp teeth that had been filed to points. 'No one would think to look for them here.'
    That much was true, Deathmaul conceded with a grudg­ing nod. They were too far away for anyone who was curious about what had happened to realise the attackers and their plunder might be here. Not that he feared pur­suit, but he did not want his plans disturbed until all was ready.
    'I still do not like them,' Deathmaul repeated, watching without wincing as the top of a distant pillar exploded into dust and tiny fragments, 'but they may prove useful.'
    They will,' Varlek assured him. 'They will. With these weapons we can mount an attack against any city in the Empire, knowing we can destroy all opposition even before it can reach us.'
    'Perhaps,' said Deathmaul, continuing to watch for a second, before turning away, 'but I will not

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