Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five

Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five by R.J. Ross

Book: Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five by R.J. Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.J. Ross
irritably.  "You're spying."
    "Well, duh," she says.  Ditto is Emily's doppelganger, by the way.  She's a clone of Emily, who's a duplicator.  "That's what I was MADE for.  But it's not like this is really going to stay a secret."
    "Are you sure Liz won't mind?" I ask.  "I mean, I did steal her powers once."
    "Eh, she don't care," Ditto says with a shrug.  "Besides, Friday night's our movie night, it'll be fun with more girls!"
    "Well--you have to promise not to tell some things before you come," Aubrey says seriously.  "You've got to SWEAR."
    "Swear what?" I ask, feeling a little nervous.
    "That you'll never tell what kind of movies we watch to anyone," Ditto says.  "ANYONE."
    "Oh, wow... um..." I lower my voice, "is it something you shouldn't be watching?  Are there like, guys with freaky masks in it?"  Or worse?  Like, no clothes?  My mind is suddenly going places I definitely don't want it to.
    The two look at each other and Ditto looks positively evil.  "Swear," she repeats.
    "Okay, fine, I swear," I say, holding up both hands.  "Can I come?"
    "Yes!" they both say.  I hear Emily call out the same from her chair across the room.  "This is going to be so fun!"
    Right.  I really hope I'm wrong about the movies.

    "So you've got everything?" Noelle asks as she hands me another shirt.  She's decided that I need help packing.
    "If I bring too much tonight they're going to think I'm moving in," I complain as I shove the shirt into my already stuffed backpack.  "That is definitely going to clue them in on this.  Look, we aren't going to be stuck in the past like you were, right?  So it'll just be a night.  I don't want to be suspicious."
    "I've been wearing the same two outfits for the past week," she says darkly.  "It's better to be over prepared.  Trust me on this.  You can never have too many clothes."
    "Yeah, yeah," I say, fighting with the zipper of the bag.  "I'll just tell them my roommate is insane."
    "Really, this is what I get for trying to be helpful?" she demands even as the zipper breaks.  "That's a piece of junk," she adds in defense.
    "Right."  I fight with it until the things inside won't fall out and swing it over my back.  "I just hope they don't invite Jack over for these movie nights," I mutter as I head for the door.  Before I reach the knob she grabs my hand.
    "Don't forget what you're going there for," she says urgently.  "Get my watch and bring it to the zoo with you."
    "I know, I know," I say, grabbing the knob and turning it.  "I'll do it."  I blink as I find myself face to chest with Blackjack.
    "Do what?" he asks.
    "Do--um--" I stutter.
    "Tell Aubrey that I really liked her shirt today," Noelle interrupts peeking around me.  "What are you here for?" 
    "I'm here to take Morgan over to the apartments," he says.  "Nico's having a poker night and Liz said that if I wanted into the building I have to bring Morgan.  When Liz tells you to do something it's smart just to do it."
    "Why?" I ask.
    "Honestly?  Because of all the capes in the Hall, Liz is the most likely to blow your place up.  I like my place, it's where I keep my stuff.  You coming?" he asks, starting down the hall.  I follow automatically, resituating my bag on my shoulder.  I hear a door open behind me and turn, seeing Justin watching me for a moment before closing his door again.  Why do I feel like he disapproves?  It was half his idea!  The jerk.
    "Who's going to be at poker night?" I ask.  What if it's in his lab?  If it's in his lab and they play all night I'll NEVER get in to steal the watch!  Even if it's not in the lab, there'll be who knows how many supers in the room right across the hall, they'll definitely hear me!  I'm so busted--wait, breathe, panicking is a bad idea.  Think.
    I've just got to try my best... and if I can't do it that way... I'll do my worst.
    We're at the force field before I realize it, and I blink as Blackjack's hand comes down on my shoulder.  For

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