Daddy Dearest
Chapter 1: The Good News
    “ Wake up darling” mama said as she
shook me and turned on my room light. I sat up, wiping the crud
from my eyes. Then I did a quick stretch and yawn before saying
“Good morning mama”. “You better hurry up Natali. Your dad called
this morning and said you could call him back when you wake up.” I
jumped out of bed and ran straight to the phone to call my dad. My
dad is in the army and I don’t see him very often, so I talk to him
whenever I can, as soon as I can.
    *Ring*Ring* “Hello”. “HEY DADDY! How are
you?” “I’m doing fine Natali. I have good news. The leader of my
troop said that we will be able to return in a few weeks.” “Oh
daddy that’s wonderful! I miss you so much and I can’t wait to see
you!” “I miss you too honey. I can’t wait to see your smiling face.
Natali, I have to go now but I will call your mother as soon as I
can and let her know when I’m coming home.” “Ok daddy. Please be
careful and I love you very much” I love you too sweetheart. Bye
now” “Bye daddy”. The call was over. The call that I had been
waiting for since he left 3 months ago.
    I ran back upstairs to tell mama what daddy
had said. I ran into my room and mama was sitting on my bed
smiling. “Come here sweetie” she said to me as she held out her
hand. I went and sat beside her on my bed. She picked up the
picture of my daddy that was sitting on my bed side table. She put
her left arm around me. “Darling, isn’t it amazing that he will be
coming home, that we will be able to run up to him and give him a
hug?” “Yeah mama, I can’t wait” I said staring at the picture of
him. “I miss him mama” I said looking up at her. “I miss him too
sweetie. I thank God that he will be home again soon.” Then mama
shed a single tear, which made me want to cry too but I’m supposed
to be the strong one, daddy’s little trooper. At least that’s what
dad calls me. I wiped the tear off moms face with my thumb, gave
her a kiss on the cheek and said “Don’t worry mama. He will be home
very soon.” She looked at me and smiled, then grabbed me and hugged
me so hard that I could barely breathe. “Come on Nat, Do you want
some breakfast?” “Sure mama, but what about Anthony?” “You know
your brother, It’s no telling when he is going to wake up. After
all, it’s summer and it’s only ten o’ clock in the morning. Your
brother probably won’t be up for a good forty five minutes.” “Mom,
he is such a slacker” I say with a huge smile on my face. My
stomach starts to rumble. I’m not sure if my stomach is rumbling
from being hungry, or from the excitement that I’m going to see my
dad soon. I change from my pajamas into my clothes and run down the
stairs for breakfast.

Chapter 2: Breakfast with Mom
    When I got downstairs, A wave of sweet aromas
pounded my nose. Mom was cooking bacon, eggs, and grits. After all,
we are from South Carolina. I poured two tall glasses of orange
juice for mama and me and sat down at the table. When the food was
ready, she fixed our plates and came and sat down at the table next
to me. We looked to the other side of the table where an empty
plate sat right next to where Anthony sits. Mama likes to keep the
plate there because she says it is waiting on the table for daddy
when he comes home. After dinner every night, she will wash the
plate, put it in the drain rack, and set it out again when she and
I (and sometimes Anthony if he is up) eat breakfast. In a way, I
think it is kind of silly, but I understand why she does it. It is
like a memorial of daddy when he is not here. Mama always prays
before we eat. “Dear Lord, Please bless this food to our bodies, so
that we may serve you. Please help Nathan come home safely, and the
other men in the army as well. I say this prayer in your name.
Amen. I just looked at her and smiled, for I wasn’t really sure
what to say.
    I believe in God. I believe in everything
that he has done. But I

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