Chapter One
    I lay on my back on the foldaway bed. Red, blue and green lights periodically bathed the dark flat as the advertising billboard at the top of the building flipped its messages across the city. I had my old neural uploader inserted into the port behind my ear, so I could absorb the three hundred TV channels directly through the mind link. I would have used the Wi-Fi link-up, but I couldn’t afford the monthly payment, so I was back to using cable. The three hundred channels were also playing on the home movie screen that covered the wall. I’ve only got small walls so the screen barely measured eight metres wide and six metres tall. Miniscule. The small room meant that the 3D was also limited.
    Wrecker, my boyfriend, walked toward the bed, his body passing through the projected images of cars, crisps, make-up, home Botox, dog food, all the things I can’t afford, all jumbled and overlapping. In one corner of the room, a 3D Roger Moore shot at the man with the golden gun, while a cartoon mermaid in the other corner lay on a rock and sang a song. Somewhere between them, Darth Vader cut off Luke Skywalker’s hand.
    There was even a documentary showing on one channel. Something about grass and fields. Old stuff the planet used to have. I was floating through the channels on my neural link, absorbing the adverts, the jingles, the shows and the films. The adverts streamed through my mind. Roger Moore ran through my naked body as I lay on the bed. I didn’t pay much attention. I must have seen all the films and programmes about a thousand times. On other channels, a topless woman screamed as a vampire raped her, while Candy Mouse taught the kids to count to three.
    I watched Wrecker as he approached the bed. He yanked his black T-shirt and leather trousers off. I watched his muscled body as he quickly moved over me, parted my legs and pushed his cock into me, ignoring, as always, my clit-ring, there for my stimulation.
    I moaned and relaxed as Wrecker pushed my legs further apart and then lifted me up by my ass, getting a good grip so he could thrust upward. I moaned again as Wrecker increased his speed, thrusting higher and further. Wrecker’s cock pounded me as Roger Moore ran along a beach. The topless woman was now dead, the vampire walking away, and Candy Mouse was singing the number two. Wrecker pulled out, lifted himself, brought his cock up, his body merging through the 3D figures as he pushed the head of his wet cock through my lips.
    I smiled and gargled as he slid his length back and forth, holding me tightly at the back of my head, bunching my long black hair up in his fist to keep my head still as he increased his thrusts, pushing himself further down my throat, my tongue stud teasing him as my neural link zipped me through channel after channel. I surfed the world media, images running through my mind as snatches of music went through me, joining the cock which was now back in my pussy and pounding again.
    I cried out and wrapped my legs around Wrecker’s muscled body and waited for my climax, waiting for the pounding, sliding cock to give me an orgasm, but Wrecker pulled out and again lifted himself, pushed his cock back into my mouth, sliding it down my throat. I moved my tongue around a little, waiting for him to go back into my pussy. I turned the music up, the pounding in my ears increasing.
    The credits were rolling on the Roger Moore film, more adverts were playing over the top, Wrecker was back inside me and he was thrusting again. I hung on, my legs around him, and this time he went long enough that I came, my orgasm a release, juices sliding down my thighs, mixing with Wrecker’s cum.

Chapter Two
    Wrecker collapsed on top of me, gasping, then rolled off and went to the bathroom. I lay in the damp apartment, watching the multiple TV images, feeing relaxed and secure, until I glanced over at the clock and saw it was almost one in the morning.
    “Shit!” I hissed as I leapt from the bed. I

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