Cursed Beauty (A Fairy Retelling #1)

Cursed Beauty (A Fairy Retelling #1) by Dorian Tsukioka

Book: Cursed Beauty (A Fairy Retelling #1) by Dorian Tsukioka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dorian Tsukioka
Tags: Fiction & Literature
wake up,” she pleaded.
    With a flood of joy, Adelaide watched as Julian’s eyelids fluttered. He stared up at her, and brought a hand to the birthmark spread across her face. “I know you,” he said.
    “Yes, you do,” she replied.
    “Is it over?”
    Julian regarded her for a long moment, his hand stroking her cheek, his thumb tracing the outline of her lips. “Did you mean what you said? To her? About me?”
    Adelaide held her breath for a moment. “I did,” she answered in a whisper.
    “I was hoping so.”
    Adelaide smiled broadly. Julian held her face gently in her hands and brought her lips to his. His lips were soft and gentle against hers, and she relished every moment of their kiss.
    When their lips finally parted, Julian asked, “Did you know that your eyes remind me of honey?” Adelaide smiled broadly. “Beautiful,” he murmured, pulling her down into another tight embrace.

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