Ultimate Makeover courtesy of Kgirl
1 tsp. of dodging Dad’s questions about why so dressed up
1 tbsp. of frantic dash to meet a really cute crush
2 tsp. of waiting around for, like, forever
A dash of really cute crush’s big sis seeing a private note about crush
3 cups of missing Nick Montoya!
5 cups of feeling like a complete nerd as everyone watches you run red-faced out of bakery
Mix ingredients well and bake in an oven of embarrassment for forty-five minutes
Serves one
Comfort and Fruit Salad
The BSG sat around the cafeteria table, trying to console their friend. But it wasn’t working.
“And then I found him already at school, laughing and talking with Chelsea. He was helping her take pictures and they were having the best time,” a wistful Charlotte described as she picked at her fruit salad. She had totally lost her appetite.
“I just don’t understand it.” She looked up at her friends. “I thought…I thought he liked me. What happened? Did I read Nick all wrong? I read in a magazine that you can tell if a boy is crushing on you just by reading the signals he sends you.”
Avery looked totally confused. “What do you mean…signals? Like in baseball? Charlotte allowed herself a tiny chuckle. It ended in a hiccup.
Katani glared at Avery. “Clue yourself in, girl! You know the kind of signals she means. Boys teasing you, walking beside you in the hall.”
“Sorry,” Avery mumbled, and took a bite of her ham sandwich.
Charlotte sent Avery a watery smile. “No, that’s okay. I needed to laugh right now.”
Isabel patted Charlotte’s hand. “I’m sure you read his signals just fine. There has to be a logical explanation for all this. Nick has liked you as long as I have been here.”
Katani leaned forward on her elbows. “This is a lesson for all of us. A girl has to be able to stand on her own two feet. You know—be strong and confident. It’s SSGP Rule number one!”
“Uh, Katani, now I am really confused. What does SSGP mean? Inquiring minds really do want to know,” Maeve asked.
Katani looked around at her BSG and performed a little dance in her seat. “Super Star Girl Power!” she sang in her off-key voice.
“You know, ladies,” she continued, “we gotta be like in the old Destiny’s Child song: ‘Independent Women.’ That should be every girl’s anthem.”
“I love that one!” said Avery.
At that, she stood up and began to sing the song as she flailed about. This was Avery’s attempt at dancing.
“Avery, sit!” Isabel grabbed Avery’s shirt and pulled her back down. “You’re totally embarrassing us!”
“What?” Avery asked innocently. “What happened to SSGP?”
Katani grimaced. “I don’t think that applies to dancing like a chicken in the middle of the cafeteria.”
Isabel leaned her elbows on the table and propped her chin in her hands. “Well, my abuelita always says you really do have to make your own happiness. Having a boyfriend is fine and dandy, but you need to be able to find happiness on your own. It’s what makes you a beautiful woman.”
“Well, I’m done with boys,” Maeve blurted out. “They just make you miserable. Playing with your heart andstomping all over it till it…bursts like a balloon!”
“That’s kind of harsh, Maeve,” Avery commented.
Maeve’s chin quivered as she placed her hands flat on the table and stood up. “And another thing. It isn’t cool for friends to steal other friends’ crushes. That is the ultimate in betrayal. It’s just like that Bette Davis movie All About Eve where the famous actress becomes friends with the girl who wants to be an actress too, and the other actress tries to steal away her boyfriend and take away her roles and…”
The BSG stared at her in confusion.
“Maeve. What in the world are you talking about?” Katani asked.
Maeve threw up her arms in frustration. “Bette Davis was a famous movie star a long time ago, and she…you should see the movie.” Maeve
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Maureen Reynolds
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Emma Craigie, Jonathan Mayo
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Shelley Noble
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