Crossing the Line
go amazingly right. She honestly wasn’t sure which possibility she feared most.
    “Hey…” Derrick’s voice accompanied a quick tap on the door, which he opened without waiting for her reply. His head and one shoulder slipped through the crack he’d created. He homed in on her nipples where they peeked through a thin layer of bubbles and gave her the hubba-hubba eyebrows. “Think that tub would fit three?”
    She glanced at the available space. “Um, not without one of us—at least—slipping and breaking something.”
    “I’d take my chances.” More of his hunky frame entered the room. “The slope and height at the end of that tub looks about right for bending you over while you suck Jer’s dick. We get you positioned over one of those jets and it’ll be better than your vibrator.” He cocked his head, clearly working out the logistics in that perfectly dirty mind of his. “Yeah, I’m thinking this could work.”
    “Oh no, I’m done in here.” She scrambled from the tub, nearly wiping out on the tiled floor in the process.
    “Whoa…” He caught her before she totally splatted. He righted her, his hands sliding over her suds-slicked arms and back. Down to her ass, of course, which he cupped as he pulled her solidly against him. “Good thing I was here to catch you.”
    “It’s your fault I fell.”
    “Almost fell, since I saved you. Plus, your claim is bullshit.”
    “Is not.” The argument of a simpleton, but thinking and speaking intelligently had gone down the drain with the bathwater the moment his fingers ventured between her legs.
    “Is too.” He winked, then nodded toward the puddle she’d made beside the tub. “You didn’t put down a towel or the bathmat. And that was long before I walked in.”
    “Shit.” Not that she always needed to be right, but there were times she really hating being proven wrong.
    “Such a dirty mouth. I love it.”
    She issued him a hmph and wiggled free of his arms. Waggled her fingers at him to shoo. “Get out of here so I can transform myself from adorable to irresistible.”
    “Baby, you are always that.” Rather than turn around, he walked backward to the door, ravishing her with his eyes as he went. “Five minutes,” he said before closing the door.
    No need to ask what’d happen if she exceeded the allotted time. His lust-laden grin answered that question.
    She toweled off, moisturized, refreshed her makeup and brushed her teeth in record time. She pulled the remaining items from the bag. The barely-there panties Megan had gawked at, plus some accessories her bestie hadn’t seen.
    Such as the beaded anal toy. She squirted a couple drops of lube onto the tip of the short, flexible toy and watched them slide down over the smallest of five adjoining balls. Ass man that he was, Derrick would enjoy finding—and removing—these.
    She leaned over the counter and reached between her legs. She bit down on her bottom lip as she pushed the first bead past her rim. The first breach always felt so good. She teased the next, larger bead inside, then the next. God, two more to go and she already felt their presence. Already wanted to rub her clit until she came, which would take about thirty seconds. She rocked against the air as she slid the remainder of the beads inside.
    She stood straight—oh god. She grabbed the edge of the sink, focused on her breathing. On anything but the beads filling her or the tingling hum of need brewing low in her core.
    She stepped into the panties next. From the front, they looked like any other skimpy thong. Not from the back, though. She twisted so she could see her backside and arranged the rows of thin, black ribbons across her backside. The pink finger-loop of the probe peeked out from between her ass cheeks. Yup, not bad. Pretty damn sexy, if she did say so.
    Lastly—the jewelry. What a find these had been. She’d finally worked up the nerve to stop at a body piercing salon and book an appointment to have her

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