Crimson Groves

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Book: Crimson Groves by Ashley Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Robertson
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warning, I was back in the club, sitting next to this mysterious human. “What the hell was that?” My voice was low and steady.
    “What do you mean?” His face didn’t match his question. He knew what I meant. I could see it in his eyes.
    I didn’t know which I wanted more—him to leave or to explain what the hell that was. “You know what I mean. I saw us going somewhere! Where?” Curiosity always wins. I just hoped I wouldn’t turn out like the cat.
    He looked away, staring down at the floor. His pulse sped up: I could see it moving in his neck.
    The waitress returned. I signed the receipt (open tab on Bronx’s credit card) and took both drinks from her. She hurried off with a few drinks still on her tray.
    “Are both of those yours?” Tyler asked. He was looking at me again.
    I nodded slowly.
    He reached over and took one of the drinks out of my hand. “What are you doing?” I asked, anger rushing up my spine. I didn’t take my drink back.
    His lips wrapped around the tiny black straw. The icy beverage lowered inside the glass. “I love these,” he said, the straw still in his mouth. “The soda water and lime make it such a crisp, refreshing drink. Can you taste them the same way I can?”
    Forget the fact that he just rudely took one of my drinks! What the hell did his question mean? My stomach tightened.
    He leaned in closer, lips traveling toward my ear. “You know, can vampires taste things the way people can?”
    Something cold slithered up my spine. Then it twisted into hot flames. My mouth was so dry I couldn’t swallow—Death Valley on steroids. Goosebumps scattered on my skin, up and down my arms and legs. I knew I needed to get away from this guy but my body was paralyzed by his question, that crazy vision. He knew about vampires, but he wasn’t a donor. He’d called me out on being one. Denying it wouldn’t get me answers, but admitting it could get us both killed. I went for the death wish. “How do you know that? Who are you?”
    “I can explain all the details once you leave with me. I can help you, please trust me. We need to leave now.”
    “Leave? Are you crazy? They’re watching me. They won’t—” I scoped the club, the bar, the lounge, and the doorway to the hall. Nothing looked out of order. No one was paying attention to this guy and me. Nerves rolled circles in my gut, pushing the lead balloon up. “They won’t let me leave.” I started fidgeting with my hair. Stupid old human nerves, or I was the biggest scaredy-cat vampire ever.
    He reached out his hand again, about a foot away from me. I wasn’t about to touch it. “I know you don’t know me, but can you please try to find it inside yourself to trust me? I’m here to help you, I swear.”
    “ How do you know me?” I demanded. “Why are you so confident that you can help me?” I stopped playing with my hair; my fists were balled, neatly lying on my lap.
    He didn’t look scared, intimidated, squat. His hand was still extended toward me, slightly waving. “Please just come with me. I promise all the answers you want.”
    I didn’t want to touch that hand. No way. No freaking way. I stared at it as if it were the pink elephant in the room. “Like I said before, I can’t leave. Not with you, not with anyone.”
    Tyler smiled. Then he started counting down: “five, four, three, two...” The instant he said “one,” a fight broke out on the other side of the lounge near the bar. Two guys were swinging at each other, screaming obscenities. The bartender and a few security guards were running at human speed toward the brawl. The crowd began forming a half circle around the debacle, some fighting to get a better view by pushing their way through the sea of onlookers. Tyler grabbed my hand and stood up, pulling me up with him. “Come on, that’s our cue! Time to go, now!”
    I had several reasons to follow him out of the bar. One: I needed to know what the hell he was talking about. Two: I needed to know

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