couldn’t? He would probably realize it the second I hit the ground with a thud. Ugh, he was so aggravating.
“Come on, love. Don’t think about it too much, you’re going to psyche yourself out.” His voice was patronizing.
I glared over at him. “This isn’t my first time, thank you very much. I’m just evaluating the situation. It’s just... it’s been a long time, is all.”
“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad.” He looked amused, like he was actually happy that he had found something I struggled with. I didn’t know what bothered me more: the smug look on his face or the fact that he was right.
I took a couple small steps closer to the ledge and peered over. Then BOOM out of nowhere, I was falling. I let out a half gasp, half scream. My eyes focused on the ground that was getting closer and closer, very quickly. Think! Feather floating; allow the energy to escape you. My body stopped a few inches from the ground beneath me. Whew! That was close. Too close! After regaining my footing on the ground, I was able to analyze what had happened. Collin had pushed me. The jerk pushed me! The nerve of that guy! As I looked up towards the top of the building, I heard laughing. Uncontrollable, belly shaking, laughter. I stormed off and heard him yelling after me.
“Oh, come on, sweetheart! No guts, no glory!” He barely got the last few words out through his laughter.
Blood boiled in my veins. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this mad. Who did he think he was?
When I got back to Jackie’s house, I slammed the door behind me, causing a picture that was hanging on the wall to fall to the floor. My anger had never gotten this out of control before, but I guess with all that had been going on over the last week, I had hit my breaking point.
“Meredith, what’s going on?” Jackie’s face was covered with concern as I stormed passed the dining room towards the kitchen. I glanced over in her direction and noticed that she sat with a man at the dining room table.
“Collin is what happened. He’s such a jerk!” I huffed, unable to control my outburst. Where was this coming from? I’m usually able to control my emotions better. I had only known Jackie for a couple days. I felt awful that I was acting like this in front of her and in front of the man sitting beside her. He was staring right at me and looked as if he was trying to hide a smile. Even sitting down he towered over Jackie’s small frame sitting next to him. His inky black hair was combed over to the side and he reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t place who it was since my anger seemed to be taking over my ability to think straight.
She chuckled. “Well, I have no doubt that he did something horrible. He’s the best teacher around, but he can be a major pain sometimes.”
“Sometimes!” I scoffed. “Ugh, he’s insufferable. I would like to... to... punch him in the face.” I gritted through my teeth.
Jackie laughed again and glanced towards the man sitting beside her. “Meredith, I’d like you to meet Daniel, Collin’s father.”
My eyes widened and I suddenly felt ill. I had just called his son a jerk and said that I wanted to punch him in the face. Nice .
My face felt like it was a thousand degrees and getting warmer. Luckily, Daniel laughed, then stood up and held out his hand to mine. “It’s nice to meet you, Meredith. Believe me; I know the pranks my son can pull. So don’t go feeling bad about what you just said. There are times where I feel like giving him a good punch in the face, too.”
Just then, the front door swung open and Collin strolled through, looking all proud and totally irritating. “There you are, love. I wondered where you had run off to.”
“What have you done, Collin?” Jackie demanded when he approached the table.
“Oh, I was just playing with her. Similar to how she played around with me yesterday. It seems that she can dish it out, but can’t take it.” He looked towards me,
Sarah Carter
Kirsten Sawyer
Jordana Frankel
Robert A. Heinlein
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Stephen Arseneault
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