Crazy Baby

Crazy Baby by Lisa Hollett, A. D. Justice, Sommer Stein, Jared Lawson, Fotos By T

Book: Crazy Baby by Lisa Hollett, A. D. Justice, Sommer Stein, Jared Lawson, Fotos By T Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Hollett, A. D. Justice, Sommer Stein, Jared Lawson, Fotos By T
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even looking at me,” I chuckle.
    “I know you, Luke Woods. You have that concerned look, and you’re avoiding something. What’s on your mind?”
    “How do you always know?” I ask, dumbfounded.
    “It’s a gift. Spill it,” she demands.
    Raking my hand over my face, I mentally prepare myself for the words I’m about to say. “I have to leave earlier than we thought. One week from today, I’ll be on a plane to Las Vegas and start camp the next day.”
    She tenses in my arms but remains silent for a few seconds too long. Slowly, she sits up and turns to look at me. “When were you going to tell me?”
    “Tomorrow. I didn’t want to tell you on Christmas Day, Andi. That news isn’t much of a present.”
    “No, it’s not, but I don’t want us to keep things from each other. We’ve already had one issue because of that, and I don’t want more while we’re apart,” she says sincerely.
    “You’re right, baby. I just didn’t want to ruin your first Christmas with a big family.” I try to soothe her.
    Her facial features soften and she leans in to kiss me. “Thank you for thinking of me,” she says between kisses. “But don’t ever do that again.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” I agree. “Shane’s going at the same time instead of waiting until later. It only makes sense since he has the pre-title bout out there in a few months. Extra conditioning and coaching will help ensure he wins.”
    “I wonder if Katie knows that yet,” she muses.
    Shane and Katie apparently have something going on, but neither has been very forthcoming with the details of their relationship. Andi thinks Katie wants more than Shane is willing to give right now, but she won’t completely break it off with him. I’ve told Andi a million times that I prefer not to think about what those two are—or are not—doing. I’d rather we stay out of the middle of that train wreck before it’s too late.
    “I don’t know, babe. And tonight, I don’t care about them. I care about you. Did you have a good Christmas?” I ask.
    Her beautiful smile lights up her face and her eyes. “Yes, this has been the best Christmas ever. You’re the best man, Luke.”
    “No, I’m not,” I say seriously. Her face drops when she hears my tone. “I’m the groom.” I burst out laughing, and she smacks me repeatedly with the couch pillow.
    The past six days have escaped from us like grains of sand through our fingers. Andi had the week off from rehearsal since the various band members scattered to different states for holidays with their families. We’ve spent every minute of every day and night together. Even the dreaded day-after-Christmas shopping that I may never recover from. I thought that this time alone with her would give me my fill, hold me over until I can see her again, but the opposite effect has happened.
    I don’t want to go without her. I don’t want to leave her.
    “So, Mack called today,” I start and see her cringe.
    “And?” she asks tentatively.
    “Shane and I have been assigned a public relations person from the association. Since Shane is coming up for a pre-title bout, they want a lot of press coverage on him to build the hype for the fight. With Mack having two fighters, they’re also spotlighting me. It’s exciting in a way, and it freaks me out in another way.”
    “That’s amazing, Luke! You’re already a great fighter, but the extra press will really get your name out there to other managers. You’ll be a household name, and the draw will bring bigger fights to you,” she says animatedly. “I’m so excited for you.”
    “I just hope I don’t make a fool out of myself,” I admit my fear.
    “You won’t. At all. You’ll do great, and your PR person will coach you on what to say and what not to say to the cameras. Who is it?” she asks.
    “Her name is Syndi Roberson. She’s with InMotion PR. Heard of them?”
    “Yeah, the name sounds familiar, but I can’t place where I’ve seen it before,”

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