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Book: Crave by Sierra Cartwright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sierra Cartwright
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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need to.
    “My manners must be buried beneath my delirium.”
    “I’ll forgive you.” He soothed her hair back from her face. “And give you a lesson tomorrow to help reinforce my rules.”
    He grinned. “You’re making me promise to discipline you?”
    “Yes. And I will hold you to it.”
    She turned toward him, hand splayed on his chest. “Thank you.”
    “That won’t get you out of trouble,” he said.
    “I was hoping it wouldn’t.”
    “What am I going to do with you, Sarah?” When she showed up in his life, common sense went on a testosterone-fueled vacation. The rest of the weekend would be interesting.
    He hoped they both survived it.
    With the way she moved her hand lower, suddenly he wasn’t sure.

Chapter Four
    Downward dog was giving him a few ideas.
    “Watching you do yoga is a nice way to wake up,” Reece said, rising onto his elbows to get a better look at Sarah. She was wearing her boy shorts and bra. Evidently she’d gone through his pockets. Her hair was as untamed as a Caribbean storm. And she’d never looked more appealing. Wholesome and sensual in one divinely curved package.
    She moved into a lotus position, tucked her hair behind her ears then asked, “How long have you been awake?”
    “Since plank.”
    “That’s quite a few minutes, Mr McRae.”
    “And I’ve enjoyed every second of them. Except for the clothes. I was hoping for naked triangle pose.”
    “No chance.”
    “A man and his morning woody can hope.”
    “A man and his morning woody can order us some coffee before hitting the shower.”
    “You’re a cold, cold woman, Sarah.”
    “Julien already sent a text message to remind you about the basketball game.”
    “He sent you a message?”
    “I guess he tried you an hour or so ago and got no response. Message sender showed up as Birthday Boy. How the hell does he do that?”
    “He takes great delight in doing things that we mere mortals consider impossible.”
    She shook her head. “Does he ever sleep?”
    “Not that I’m aware of. Been the same way since college.” He tossed back the covers.
    “Wow. That erection is impressive.”
    “I blame your downward dog.”
    “When did you become a yoga expert?”
    “I have a DVD. Watched it a few dozen times. Hot, bendable woman in a sports bra and bikini bottoms on a Hawaiian beach. What’s not to enjoy?”
    “You’re supposed to practice along with her.”
    “Watching her got my heart rate up. Finish your workout. Don’t mind me.”
    “How could I not be? When you’ve got a naked woman contorting her body, I’m happy to be a participant.”
    “Half naked,” she corrected.
    “Not in my mind.” He called room service and asked for a pot of coffee.
    Sarah said something, so he asked the attendant to hold on for a moment.
    “What are you planning to drink?” Sarah repeated. Then she smiled serenely.
    “Make that two pots of coffee,” he said before hanging up.
    “I would have ordered it myself, but I wanted to let you sleep.”
    “If there’s half-naked gymnastics going on, feel free to wake me up.”
    She raised her eyebrows. “You really haven’t matured.”
    “That’s for wine.”
    “Shower, McRae.”
    “Get in here with me.”
    “We saw what happened when we did that last night.”
    “How do you feel? Any bruising? Sore muscles?”
    “Not a single bruise. The one mark that was there last night is gone.”
    “I’ll do better next time.”
    “Good.” Looking at him with those impossibly big, impossibly green eyes, she added, “I like to touch them afterwards.”
    Every time she said something like that, he had an immediate physical reaction. “Grab a condom and take care of this problem you caused.”
    Thirty seconds later, he had her beneath the spray, palms flat on the tile as he fucked her from behind.
    He was a gentleman. He let her come first.
    “That doesn’t, er…mean…”
    “Took the edge off,” he assured her, turning

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