Cowgirl Up

Cowgirl Up by Ali Spooner Page B

Book: Cowgirl Up by Ali Spooner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Spooner
Tags: Romance
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thought you did it?” he asked.
    “Well, we didn’t have a very good relationship,” Coal said.
    “But still, you wouldn’t have needed a gun to take him out,” Harley said.
    “No, I wouldn’t have, but no matter how much I didn’t like him, I had no desire to kill Billy Ray.”
    Coal looked over at Mary Leah who had remained deathly silent. “I’m going to get more coffee,” Mary Leah said, rushing into the house.
    Coal looked at Melissa who looked just as confused. “I’ll go check on her,” Melissa said as the rest of the crew came wandering out of the bunkhouse.
    Harley looked at Coal. “You ready to get to work?”
    “Daylight’s a wasting,” she said as she followed him off the porch.
    They met the rest of the crew at the corral, and she couldn’t help but whistle at Gene’s white legs. “You really do need to get some sun, my friend,” she said as she slapped him on the back.
    “You know you love my sexy legs, Coal,” he teased back.
    “Not in your wildest dreams, Gene.”
    “Oh, that hurts my heart,” he cried, clutching at his chest.
    “Let’s get to work, you goofballs,” Harley said. He was anxious to get her mind off Bobby’s visit and he knew once she was on a horse she was all business.
    “Good morning, Shadow,” she said as they opened the gate and he trotted up to her.


    “Are you okay?” Melissa said when she walked into the kitchen to find Mary Leah leaning against the counter.
    “I guess her casual attitude about killing someone just threw me for a loop,” Mary Leah said.
    “Whether you like it or not, Coal will always be an Army Ranger. She has killed for this country. But that doesn’t mean she liked doing it or would kill again unless it was totally necessary,” Melissa said.
    “How do you know she’s killed before?”
    “Because she killed the man that was responsible for Mitch’s and Tessa’s deaths,” Melissa said.
    Mary Leah hung her head, hearing that news. “I’m sorry, I know you’re right. I just wasn’t expecting all of this today.”
    “Well, I’m sure it was no picnic for her either. If memory serves me correct she was defending Lucas, and then you with Billy Ray.”
    The reminder embarrassed her. “Yes, she was,” she said with a shy smile.
    “Don’t discount Coal for what she’s done in the past in the service of her country. Just appreciate her for the woman she is.”
    She lifted an eyebrow.
    “Remember, older sisters are wiser. I can see what is developing between the two of you, so don’t try to deny you are attracted to Coal.”
    With no self-defense readily on her lips, Mary Leah chose to remain silent. As usual, Melissa’s insight was right on target. She should know by now she couldn’t hide anything from her, least of all her feelings.
    To change the subject, she asked, “Are you all set for your trip?”
    “Yes, I am. I thought I’d head out after a shower, but I’ll call later to let you know I made it safely.”
    “I’ll wait for you to leave and then go down to watch the training.”
    “Go now if you want. I’ll be okay,” Melissa said.
    “That’s okay. I think it will be another full-day event, besides I need another cup of coffee.”
    “Suit yourself. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Melissa said.
    Mary Leah sipped her coffee and opened the refrigerator. In Melissa’s absence, someone would need to make lunch for the crew and she wanted to see what her options were.
    “I’ve got a large bowl of egg salad prepared, so all you will need to do is make sandwiches,” Melissa said as she entered the kitchen, towel drying her hair.
    Mary Leah jumped, startled by her sister’s silent approach. “Damn, you startled me,” she said as she closed the door.
    “Sorry, but I wanted to make sure you were all set for lunch today. There are plenty of cold cuts out in the bunkhouse for sandwiches tomorrow.”
    “I thought I might make some lasagna tomorrow for dinner,” Mary Leah said.
    “Damn, I hate

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