Cowgirl Erotica Collection
continued to
fire up whatever propelling measures she could.
    Both Cherie and Jett lied down as they
were told. The hum of the ship was now near-deafening as it lifted
off the ground in a jarring sideways motion and darted up the side
of the canyon wall. Cherie and Jett felt sick to the stomach as
they felt their bodies pulled against the floor the faster they
flew upward.
    "I think I am gonna vomit" Jett
    Di looked over with a serious
    "That would be an exceedingly messy
situation considering our destination" Di relayed.
    The ship continued its ascent upward
and away from the canyon in dizzying motion with Cherie clamping
both eyes shut the entire way. Jett meanwhile cemented her gaze
onto Di's gorgeous figure. She possessed the look of a character
from a children's fable, albeit with an ass to kill for.
    "I'll refuel, check for any
miscellaneous repairs the nanites missed, and be in a better
position overall to deposit you wherever on the planet you wish."
Di stated mechanically.
    "Is it safe to get up now? I don't
feel the pull quite so hard against my back" Jett asked.
    "Sure, feel free." Di motioned with a
wave of her hand.
    Cherie stood up and helped Jett with
her hand.
    Jett walked over slowly to the
viewscreen with her mouth slightly ajar.
    "Is that...uh..." she asked
    "Your planet? Yes." Di
    "It's spectacular and!" Jett
    "Yes, that is what is so alluring
about your homeworld. So much water, and most of your species
doesn't realize just how much of it there is on your planet. I
study water-based lifeforms. Deep-sea fishes, in particular, are
quite illuminating to me. We have no such species on my planet. Too
hot." she said regretfully.
    Jett looked around the ship which
seemed to be devoid of any proper seats, but filled to the brim
with oddly shaped buttons in every direction.
    "What kinds of, uh, fish do you have
on your planet?" Cherie asked.
    "None. Our world is volcanic. There
are no places in which to, as you say, swim. Earth is like a
paradise to us, and is quite a pleasure to visit. Quite unique in
the greater scheme of galaxies. Not too many worlds have such vast
oceans which support millions of different species." she
    "And what about sex? How is it that
you have the same...ah...female attributes, as we do?" Jett
    "I have wondered that myself. Our
males are also similar to yours, and do not have blue skin like us
females. It is a recent interest of our most intellectual minds
that we have yet to satisfactorily answer." she said
    "Do you want some male company while I
do repairs and refuel? This could take awhile to go over
everything" Di asked.
    " You mean there is
someone else aboard?" Cherie asked, looking around the small
    "Ghost, I think you would call it?"
though I think you'll better understand when you see him. It is
just something that I picked up from a friend out west." she
    "Out west? You mean here, on our
planet?" Cherie asked.
    "No, I mean west...of Earth,
uh...never mind" she replied.
    "Here, wear these. Wrap them around
your wrists. It sends signals to your brain stem. What kind of male
do you want?" Di asked.
    Jett burst out laughing
    "You mean you can create a man out of
thin air? I must be dreamin'" Jett said.
    Di punched a few codes into her
console with the tips of her fingers. A holographic-like image
appeared standing full-length before Cherie and Jett, turning ever
so slowly, completely nude.
    "I think I'd change the hair" Jett
    "Change the size of his cock! Make it
enormous!" Cherie chuckled.
    The size increased enormously as she
said the words, making it resemble an elephant's trunk.
    "No no no, not that big!" Cherie said, twirling her finger around her
    The scene changed to a normal man
again with a rather larger-than-normal sized cock. Di hit another
button and the individual stepped off the platform. Cherie and Jett

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