
Cowboys-Dont-Dance by Missy Lyons

Book: Cowboys-Dont-Dance by Missy Lyons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Missy Lyons
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paper bag. Angela turned to Jesse and quirked an eyebrow.
    “What’s this?” Angela hoped Lydia wasn't listening.
    No problem. Lydia primped in the mirror, and paying attention to them.
    Jesse grinned. “Uh…your panties.”
    Angela’s face burned. “Oh my, God. I forgot them.”
    “Yeah. Mom found them, washed them and told me to get them back to whomever they belonged to. I think she knows they’re yours.”
    “What else did she say?”
    Jesse shook his head. “She knocked me on the side of the head and told me to get a hold on my libido, or I'd be in big trouble." He leaned closer until his lips nearly touched her ear. "She said you'd better not be pregnant because if you were I'd have to marry you."
    “Hey, what’s holding you two up?” Lydia’s whiny voice sent Jesse back with a jerk.
    “Nothing, Lydia. Everything’s fine. I’m just remindin’ Angie to fasten her seat belt.”
    Angela kicked out a pointed toe, barely missing Jesse’s cock.
    “Now what’s the matter?” Lydia was staring at herself in the passenger side mirror.
    “Nothing, Lydia. We’re about ready to head out.”
    “Hurry up, Jesse. I wish you could have brought the Cadillac tonight. I just hate getting into this beast.”
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    Missy Lyons and Cherie Denis
    Angela buckled up her seatbelt and motioned Jesse away. She couldn’t look him in the eye one more minute.
    “I don’t plan on drinking tonight. I don’t mind being the designated driver. Alcohol might ruin my moves.” He did a quick salsa step, and Angela, who could never stay mad at Jesse for long, chuckled when he shut her door.
    Jesse settled behind the steering wheel and caught Angela’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He winked, and Angela couldn’t believe he’d do something so obvious in front of his fiancée. He must be crazy or just plain stupid. No, Jesse wasn’t stupid. He simply had the devil spurring his side.
    Angela sighed. If Jesse Burke had a brain cell in his head he should have noticed long ago how much she loved him. He had to be blind, deaf, and dumb to have missed the signals she'd given him.
    She’d been crazy about Jesse for years, and he only saw her as an easy lay.
    She’d seduced Jesse hoping he’d figure it out, but so far all he’d done was use her body. It hurt, but Angela wasn’t going to give up.
    Some day he would see her as more than a warm body.
    Some day. Angela hoped it would be soon because she couldn’t take the stress of being his sex toy much longer.
    Angela sighed. No use crying over spilled milk. It had been her own fault for giving herself to him. She should have told him how much she loved him. Now it was too late.
    Turning her mind to other things, Angela glanced over the seat at Jesse. Dressed for the contest, he was gorgeous. He was sexy as hell in his usual chambray shirt and jeans, but tonight he looked downright edible.
    He'd taken her suggestion on a dance outfit and wore a form-fitting pair of black linen trousers, patent leather shoes and a sand-washed silk shirt one size larger than he usually wore. He'd replaced his usual plain black Stetson with a tan Stetson. The rattle snake hat Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.
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    Cowboys Don't Dance
    band dressed up the plain hat. If nothing else, he’d win tonight on his sheer good looks.
    “You got a hot date tonight, Angie?” Lydia turned her head and gave Angela a nasty smirk.
    “Not tonight. I don’t have much time to date with my schedule.”
    Angela shrugged, and no interest in other men, since none of them could compare to Jesse . “Not many men can keep up with me. My brother said he’d come tonight and be my partner. He probably only wants to make sure I stay out of trouble.”
    “How cute. Dancing with your brother.”
    “Yeah, cute.” Angela seriously contemplated

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