Cowboy Rescue [Men for Hire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Cowboy Rescue [Men for Hire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Jane Jamison

Book: Cowboy Rescue [Men for Hire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Jane Jamison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Jamison
Tags: Romance
Maria’s real page. Then she had a field day playing with a bunch of different men that contacted her. She’s quite the adventurous girl as far as sex goes, if you know what I mean. I’m pretty sure she hooked up with a few of them, maybe even our stalker e-mailer. There wasn’t much she didn’t promise to do with these guys.”
    Brad relaxed his grip on his phone. Otherwise, he’d let his anger get the best of him and might break it in half. “But she didn’t give Maria’s real e-mail address to any of the others, except the one man, this freak who calls himself King of the Night. Is that right?”
    “You got it. She left most of them hanging when she started concentrating him. The others finally gave up and quit trying to reach her. But him? She got into him big time, especially once he started telling her that he loved her. Hell, once she admitted that she wasn’t the one in the photos, she still tried to get him to meet her. Not sure about that yet, though. She did give him her real name, her real photo, and her home e-mail address.”
    “Then why’s he still after Maria? If he fell in love with Torrie, aka Sharron, why does he care that the photo wasn’t hers? Sharron’s a bitch, but she’s pretty. And that’s who he’s been talking to, so she’s the one he fell in love with.”
    “Nope. He doesn’t care about their conversations. It seems he loves Maria because she reminds him of an old love that died a few years ago. He went on and on about her green eyes and her long, dark hair.”
    “But why would Sharron give him Maria’s email if she wanted him for herself?”
    “I’m not sure. Maybe he talked her into it or maybe she decided that she’d cause problems for Maria through him. That’s just my guess anyway. And that may have happened after Sharron pleaded with him to meet her.”
    “Wow. She’s not only a bitch, but a desperate one.”
    Brad motioned for Mike to check the hallway. He didn’t want Maria to overhear their conversation. “So you’re not sure that they met up?”
    “I’m working on finding out. I figure that he must’ve started communicating with Sharron through her home e-mail. Everything else on the Friends Place page came to a grinding stop.”
    “Then we need to find Sharron. She might be able to tell us where to find him.”
    “That might pose a problem.”
    Crap. He hated whenever Fletcher said there was a problem. “Why?”
    “I figured that’s what you’d want to do, and I tried to track her down. As of late last night, she’s off the grid.”
    “What’s that mean? She was just here at the apartment.” Jack ran a hand through his hair and paced across the room only to pace back.
    “It means she’s up and disappeared. I’ve checked all her usual hangouts. Then I contacted her new landlord this morning. Either she doesn’t want to be found or—”
    “Someone’s made her disappear.” Brad ground his teeth together. “Great.”
    “Brad,” whispered Mike before he gestured toward the hallway. “Hey, Maria. How’re you doing this morning? Ready to take on the world?”
    Brad ended the call and found himself smiling at how beautiful she looked in plain slacks and a white shirt. Then his good humor died. “You’re going to work, aren’t you?”
    “I am.” She held her head tall, ready for an argument.
    He didn’t want to fight with her and decided that they could keep track of her at school. She reminded him of a wild filly they’d found. The horse had been too frightened to run past them, but it wasn’t about to let them put a halter on it either.
    “I still think this is a bad idea. Call in for a replacement. In fact, tell them that your great-aunt Leticia passed away and you have to go out of town for a while. But going into school while that freak’s still out there? Not a good idea.”
    She smoothed the front of her blouse, her brilliant green eyes flicking from Mike to Jack and finally to him again. The way she paused, her gaze

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