    “Yes,” Layla said.
    Denise watched Odumnus’ eyes light up when Anna walked out of the bathroom dressed in some of Lucilla’s clothes. She refused to put any makeup on, and confessed that it was going to be hard for her to do so after what the savages who abducted her forced her to do. The remaining bruises on her face, neck and arms a painful reminder of what she meant.
    “Odumnus,” Denise said.
    “Yes Denise.”
    “Would you like to come with us to take Anna back to her family in York?”
    “I would consider it an honor.”
    “Great, we are just about ready.”
    “Everyone is getting their things together to change hotels,” Layla said, entering the room.
    “Lucilla has all she needs?”
    “Affirmative,” Layla smiled.
    “Well, shall we?” Denise said, reaching down to pick up her bag.
    “Please, allow me,” Odumnus said, smiling each time his eyes made contact with Anna.
    Denise stopped by Lucilla’s room. “We’re off baby. Be careful.”
    “I think we will be fine.”
    “Keep Diana under wraps just in case.”
    “I will.”
    Layla was waiting outside the hotel with the Mustang by the time they exited. After loading up the car, she made a U-turn and turned left at Via Conte Verde. In the middle of the first block she threw the car into stealth. “Over the Vatican per your request Anna.”
    “Thank you Layla.”
    Denise simply looked at her and smiled as the Mustang smoothly left the ground. You’re a natural at this too, she said.
    Thank you. You can plot the course back to York if you don’t mind.
    I don’t mind at all.
    “Now there’s a view most tourists do not see,” Anna said, as they slowly approached Vatican City. “Wish I had my camera.”
    “Oh we can snap a few for you,” Denise said. Over St. Peter’s Square Denise started recording images, yet another feature that had been built into the Mustang they discovered in the instructions while learning to fly. Bright flashes seemed to emanate from an empty sky to tourists below.
    “Wow. This sure was a nice gift you received here. You must have done something pretty incredible to receive it,” Anna said.
    “We got lucky,” Denise smiled.
    “Such a beautiful city, I must come back with a bodyguard,” Anna said turning to smile at Odumnus.
    The Mustang started to climb and pick up a little speed. “How soon do you wish to get back to York and your family?” Layla asked.
    “Sooner is best. They must be going bonkers, especially since I turned down an offer for my brothers to come and collect me.”
    “Soon it is.”
    The view beneath them seemed to go by in a subtle blur as they passed over towns, farms, mountains and rivers, invisible borders making it impossible visually to know what country they were above. Within minutes they were crossing the channel, and shortly after that zipping over the lush green patchy landscape of Britain. The Mustang descended and slowed, landing finally roughly a quarter mile from Coventina’s home where both families were gathered.
    Youngest members of Anna’s family were walking around the brick foundation of a large circular birdbath in the middle of the front yard when they turned into the driveway.
    “Erin, they’re here,” Brian shouted, before jumping off the small wall and running to the house.
    The tears did not form in Anna’s eyes until she saw Coventina’s mother walk into the yard.
    Denise and Layla were invited to stay for dinner but declined. “We must get back while the trail for Coventina is fresh. There is not a minute to lose.”
    “I don’t know how to thank you for Anna, and she is not my daughter,” Esther said.
    “We will find your daughter. If she is alive, we will find her,” Denise said.
    “I wish I was twenty years younger and could come with you.”
    “Do not share a thing with the Italian police. Contact us instead.”
    “It’s that bad there?”
    “Worse. I must get my friends. We need to go.”
    Esther now

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