Country Love

Country Love by Chelsea Dorsette

Book: Country Love by Chelsea Dorsette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Dorsette
“Paden, are you okay? Did this bastard hurt you?”
    Paden was shaking as she tried to put her shirt back on and could only mutter between her tears, “Yes, I’m okay.”
    CJ knew that she wasn’t even close to being okay, but he knew she understood the meaning of being “okay”. If the guy had raped her, CJ would have probably killed him.
    Throwing Bob face down on the floor, CJ took off his belt and within seconds hogtied the son of a bitch so he couldn’t move. Bob was so drunk it was easy for CJ to manipulate his arms and legs. Pulling his cell phone out of his jeans pocket, CJ called 911 first. Then with that call completed, he folded Paden into his embrace and gently rubbed her hair while she cried and shook in his arms. CJ had never been so angry in his life and it had taken a great deal of self control to not beat the living shit out of the guy.
    Remembering that she was in control of the radio station, she had to pull away from CJ and get the next few songs and commercials ready to go. She also had to call Russ Farrell because the police were coming. Russ would need to know what happened and Paden knew that station management would need to be there when the police arrived. The minute Russ hung up from talking with Paden he called Rusty Mann, the announcer who followed Paden’s shift, and asked him to come in early so Paden could get off the air.
    It seemed to Paden that everyone converged at the station all at the same time. The police came first , and as Paden began to describe what happened, Russ and Rusty weren’t far behind. Moving the conversation out of the studio so Rusty could get to work, they finished the questioning in the conference room.
    Understanding that it was CJ who hogtied Bob made the officers smile and lightly chuckle while saying they had never come on a scene before where the perpetrator was hogtied with a belt. In fact, they were quite complimentary to CJ for all of his efforts, not to mention his great timing.
    Paden was now beginning to calm down and started to relax again , knowing she was safe.
    Russ was completely dumbfounded hearing about what had occurred. Bob had been with the station for ten years and never in that time did he show any signs of evil that he had shown today. His mind was reeling and his heart went out to Paden. All he could do was listen quietly while the officers asked questions of both Paden and CJ. As far as Russ was concerned, this would be the last day Bob would ever set foot in the radio station again.
    When the police were done questioning them and satisfied that Paden wasn’t seriously hurt they untied Bob, who had passed out, slapped on handcuffs, and dragged him to his feet. Walking past CJ and Paden with Bob in tow, they handed CJ back his belt and gave him a clap on the back. Paden knew that was guy code for “Way to go.”
    Wanting to get the hell out of the radio station as quickly as possible, Paden looked up into CJ’s eyes and whispered, “Take me home.”

    Chapter Thirteen
    One week later, Russ Farrell gave Paden the surprise of a lifetime with a promotion as the station’s new music director. She was so thrilled that she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. Russ was a little embarrassed by her sentiment but secretly enjoyed how happy he had made her with the promotion.
    Although Bob had n’t done an air shift, Paden wanted to stay on the air and Russ agreed. Russ would ask Rusty Mann if he wanted to be her assistant so she could do both jobs. Rusty had been with the station for a few years and Paden knew they would make a great team. She could hardly wait to tell CJ the news.
    The Cat’s Cradle had invited the band to play tonight to promote their new album Right As Rain and Paden was excited to see him perform live again and to tell him about her wonderful news. Although she was so excited and tempted to call him, she knew he would be busy getting ready for tonight’s

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