Counterstrike (Black Fleet Trilogy, Book 3)

Counterstrike (Black Fleet Trilogy, Book 3) by Joshua Dalzelle

Book: Counterstrike (Black Fleet Trilogy, Book 3) by Joshua Dalzelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joshua Dalzelle
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will come at great cost. We’re sure to lose tens of thousands of men and women before this is all over, not to mention the devastation to our fleet and infrastructure.”
    “The difficulties of your task and the sacrifices your people will make are not unnoticed,” Setsi said. “In addition to our martial support we will also provide assistance in rebuilding and advancing your people in the wake of the Phage attacks.”
    “Very well,” Jackson nodded. “One more thing … when this is done, and the Phage are eliminated, will you release Blake and his crew from service so they may return to Earth?”
    “We will release them from service,” Setsi agreed. “There will no longer be any task for them, but there is something you should know before you welcome them back among your people.”
    “Everything okay, Captain?”
    “Yes, Colonel,” Jackson slid back into the copilot’s seat. “Why do you ask?”
    “You were staring at me pretty hard there for a moment.” Blake turned back to his displays.
    “My apologies,” Jackson said. “Are we about ready to depart?”
    “The last of the technical data has been downloaded from the cruiser and we’ve been given coordinates to rendezvous with the freighter that will be coming out of Vruahn space so we can escort it the rest of the way to New Sierra,” Blake said. “So yeah, we’re as ready as we’re going to get.”
    “Then let’s get to it,” Jackson leaned back. “We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.”
    “We do,” Blake nodded, “but it’s almost over. I’m not sure how you convinced Setsi to let us completely take out the Phage, but for the first time in longer than I can remember I feel like there’s some hope.”
    “Hang on to that, Colonel,” Jackson said, his eyes closed. “I have a feeling hope will be in short supply before this is all over.”
    “For someone who’s come out on top in half a dozen no-win situations you sure are a pessimist,” Blake groused as he brought the drive fully online and began to slide out of formation.
    “I prefer the term ‘realist.’” Jackson didn’t open his eyes.
    The flight back to Terran space was just as uneventful as the trip out had been, and before Jackson knew it they were sliding into formation beside a hulking Vruahn freighter. He was struck at how ugly the vessel was compared to the graceful lines of the warship he was sitting on and the cruisers he’d seen before the Phage destroyed one of them.
    “They must have had this gear just lying around,” he remarked as he watched the ship through the optical sensors. “I can’t believe they could manufacture it that quickly and get it out here.”
    “Believe it,” Blake said. “This ship was built in about forty-eight hours. The Vruahn fabrication process is entirely automated and utilizes nano technology and energy-to-matter conversion and it makes building even the most complex structures look like child’s play.”
    “I wonder if we can have some of that tech tossed in on this deal,” Jackson mused.
    Blake didn’t answer as he talked to the freighter with the help of his ship’s computer translating everything. Jackson tried to keep up with the conversation for a bit, but the cultural specific content and unfamiliar terminology left him lost and quickly bored with the whole thing. He went back to reading his tile that he’d managed to convince the computer to load with some of the overview files provided by Setsi.
    Despite the Vruahn being far more technologically advanced than humans, there was no magic bullet or ultra-powerful standoff weapon that would allow Jackson to kill the Phage with the press of a button. Though they’d been given a huge advantage with the help Setsi was sending their way, the fight would be won the old-fashioned way: down in the trenches slugging it out until either their enemy faltered or they did. It wasn’t something he was looking forward to.
    “We’re ready to make the final hop

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