Counterfeit Countess

Counterfeit Countess by Lynne Connolly

Book: Counterfeit Countess by Lynne Connolly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Connolly
Tags: Romance
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house had fallen around his ears he couldn’t have stopped. Here he didn’t have to worry about making COUNTERFEIT COUNTESS | 75
    a noise or anyone knowing. In fact, it would help him if people did know.
    Although he tried to hold back, gritted his teeth and willed himself not to come, it was no good. He stiffened as his peak tensed his balls, gathered at the base of his cock and then he exploded.
    His last thought before his world dissolved was, “Thank God,”
    when her channel twitched and then clenched him hard. “Ah, Christ in heaven, darling!”
    He held his arms wide, waited for her to fall into them and when she did, closed them around her to keep her safe. And to ensure she didn’t get away. Because if he’d chosen her for himself he couldn’t ask for a better partner.

Chapter Seven
    When John told Faith that before he left to dress for dinner, she gave him a harassed smile and he knew. Saw it in her eyes. He’d warned her he only wanted her until he’d established himself as the earl. After only a short time together, he was beginning to believe the impossible; that they’d deal excellently together in the long term.
    Once he’d required love in his marriage, dreams engendered by seeing his parents together, perfect harmony and a deep, abiding passion for each other that lasted until death. Not a realistic proposition, but certainly he could aspire to companionship with an intelligent woman he could discuss matters with, and a satisfactory bed partner.
    He’d seen it in his parents, but never since. After they’d died, he’d sold most of the property and joined the army. Wounds long healed over still left scars. The army had kept him busy. Now this, and unexpectedly, he’d found the kind of friendship he hadn’t expected.
    Too experienced in the ways of life to expect romantic entanglements, he’d instead uncovered someone he liked.
    Although, he reflected, gazing at his image in the mirror as he tied his neckcloth, she had her faults. Thank the lord, because God knew he had his. His mouth tightened when he recalled what she must have seen, her knowledge of things she should by rights know nothing of driving her to seek a quiet life. Her last secret remained for him to discover, and until he did, he wouldn’t make any COUNTERFEIT COUNTESS | 77
    commitment. She was hiding something that had happened around the time of Waterloo. Before or immediately after, because when she spoke of that time she kept it vague, and she showed signs of discomfort, fidgeting. And her eyes went hard.
    He pulled the folds of his black neckcloth too tight and had to start again. Mourning wear. He hated it, but at least he didn’t have to bear it for long. He wondered if Faith had mourned him properly, and decided yes, because her mourning clothes were well worn. Not the new ones. They’d be new and crisp, ironically more fashionable than anything else she owned. At least he could give her that.
    He picked up a discreet silver pin from the dressing table and used it to secure the neat folds at his throat. She’d imagined she’d stay in that pleasant little house she’d bought, perhaps for the rest of her life. One, if truth be told, that he’d have chosen for himself.
    Instead, she’d found herself a countess in Grosvenor Square.
    Overwhelming for him, so God knew what it was like for her.
    He hadn’t mentioned the second reason he’d offer his name in a true marriage. If their fraud was exposed, if anyone discovered that they were not correctly wed, he’d have no choice. If society realised that he knew about it, his name would be dragged in the mud. So he’d claim the prior marriage was irregular, and marry her again, perhaps say he hadn’t realised before. Not that he’d tell her. Yet.
    Faith was fashioned from stern stuff, and he needed her by his side right now. Yes, need was the correct word. At least she wouldn’t bolt tonight, and she’d given him an idea of her plans.
    He’d wager they involved

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